Healthy Food Recipes - #1 Absolute Best Diet To Lose Belly Fat For Good

February 26, 2023

hello health champions if you're one of the 
millions of people who have tried various   diets to lose weight and lose belly fat but 
without results or maybe you had some results   but the weight and the belly fat came right back 
then this video is for you because today i want   to talk about the best diet to lose belly 
fat to lose weight for good forever and i   want to emphasize i know you think this is sort of 
self-explanatory but i want to emphasize a couple   of things in this phrase for good that means to 
not gain it back because if you lose the weight   and then you gain it back then what was the point 
of it all i know you're desperate and you just   want to lose it fast you want to lose it now i 
don't care but yes you do care you do not want   to gain it back all right and the second word 
is diet we want to get past the idea of a diet   so many people think i'm going to do this for 
a while i'm willing to do anything for a week   a month three months but as soon as we have that 
mindset then we're gonna do something for a while   we get some results and then we're gonna stop 
doing that something and we're gonna go back to   doing the same thing that created the problem in 
the first place and that's why we have hundreds   of millions of people who are yo-yo dieting 
because they're doing something for a while   get over that idea what we have to do is adopt 
a lifestyle adopt some principles around which   calories but we're going to cover this in some 
detail because a calorie is not a calorie is not a   calorie it starts with high blood sugar high blood 
glucose because that triggers high insulin levels   and insulin does many things in the body but 
one thing it causes indirectly is fat storage   the insulin acts on the glucose the glucose gets 
into the cell we can use some of it right now   but most of it we're going to store for later 
and most of that storage is going to be as fat   but if we maintain that insulin high because we 
keep eating frequent meals with high carbohydrate   now that high insulin prevents us from using 
that fat storage so even though we store all   that energy we can't get to it as long as we 
maintain high insulin one more thing happens   and this is low blood sugar right 
so if we eat high glucose high carbs   frequently we teach the body to depend on that 
but we also sort of confuse the body over time   and the body learns to make a bunch of insulin 
and oftentimes that's going to overshoot and   it's going to push if we have high blood sugar 
it's going to rebound and cause low blood sugar   that's a glucose roller coaster that is why 
a lot of people even with insulin resistance   are going to have hypoglycemia so even though they 
may have high blood sugar according to an a1c test   in between they're actually hypoglycemic and this 
is extra bad when you can't get to the fat storage   because of high insulin so you have all this 
energy stored you need some energy because of your   low blood sugar but you can't get to it because 
of that high insulin and now what the body does   it says i gotta have some energy let's create 
some cravings and a craving is an urgent need   to bring your blood sugar up and this is why 
they put a vending machine and a soda machine on   every corner in every office and every business 
in every school so that we can get a quick blood   sugar fix we can get some comfort foods and 
now of course that creates high blood sugar   so we're sort of stuck in a loop and that makes 
it very very difficult to get out of this loop   because we're constantly hungry we have high 
blood sugar but the high insulin keeps us from   ever using that fat that we have in storage so 
insulin is the first and most important thing   we have to understand the second one is that low 
blood glucose creates a second hormone it triggers   the body's cortisol and cortisol is a messenger 
that tells the body make more blood sugar   all right so there are two ways you can do this 
you can eat it by cravings or your body can   generate it from glycogen or from protein 
but you can't really get it from the fat   still and so this cortisol raises blood sugar and 
now you have a second loop where you get stuck   and this is why it's so difficult to just eat 
less because you're not really breaking this   pattern and for a lot of people there's one more 
factor called stress because what does stress do   stress is a state where your body says i need more 
energy because there's a threat there's something   i gotta get done i'm having heightened demand 
so we have to make more energy so no matter what   your glucose levels are when you're stressed your 
body still wants more because that's fast energy   so stress is also going to create cravings 
and stress is going to raise cortisol and if   we want to lose belly fat for good we have 
to be absolutely clear on what triggers   insulin and we already said that it's triggered 
by blood sugar but then obviously the next step is   the foods that can become blood sugar and 
carbohydrate is the obvious candidate but there's   more to it first of all there's enormous confusion 
around carbohydrate we hear all the time that   white bread and processed carbs are 
bad but complex carbs are good as in   white bread is bad and whole wheat bread is 
good it's not true it doesn't work like that   high sugar things like candy and soda they're 
out of the question everyone agrees on that but   things that are starchy like white bread or 
whole wheat there's still eighty percent starch   they break down the same way the fact that one 
has a smidgen of fiber makes no difference they   break down into glucose within minutes and they 
have a huge impact on blood sugar and insulin so   any concentrated form of carbohydrate and starch 
is a bad thing if you're trying to reduce insulin   and lose weight so if we compare the 
insulin response between different foods   then high sugar and high starch we'd put 
around a hundred okay there's some variation in   in that group but just to give an idea 
high starch carbohydrates and high sugars   they're like a hundred how does that compare to 
other foods well low sugar and low starch like   berries and leafy greens and cauliflower and 
broccoli and brussels sprouts and asparagus   they're still all the energy that they have 
pretty much is carbohydrate but there's so little   of it it's mostly water so in comparison 
a non-starch or low starch carbohydrate   would only produce a fraction as much insulin 
and that's why you can still eat those things   even though they're all carbohydrate because it's 
mostly water and if you're counting carbs then   these are the kind of carbs you count but there 
are other things that can turn into blood glucose   if the protein you eat is like egg or meat then 
a fairly high percentage gets turned into tissue   because the composition matches the composition 
of your body pretty closely but if you eat a   much much less of that protein gets turned 
into tissue which means more of it gets turned   into glucose so protein can become glucose and 
then it will affect insulin so on the low end   it might be like something like this which 
is more than the non-starchy carbohydrate   and if it's on the high end it would be a little 
bit more still but we have to understand that even   though it turns into protein it's not in the same 
way that this does it's not nearly as much and it   is much much slower than carbohydrate so it has a 
lesser and a slower impact which is very favorable   and even fat can become glucose the fat itself 
can't but the way we package fat in the body   is called triglyceride three fatty acids on a 
glycerol molecule and this glycerol is about   five percent of the weight so a few percent of 
the calories in fat can actually become glucose   but again it's much much less and it's vastly 
slower than either protein or carbohydrate so   if we have a relative relationship in how 
much insulin is produced this is pretty much   what it looks like and why do we need to know 
about cortisol why is that important because   cortisol is a hormone that's produced in response 
to stress and when you're stressed your body puts   a break on the healing and inflammation so they 
use that principle by giving you a medication that   is the same molecule but man-made of cortisol and 
if they give you a shot like in a joint somewhere   they're going to call that cortisone cortisone 
shot and if they give you a pill for a systemic   effect it's going to be something like prednisone 
and there's many different names to these they're   called steroids and they're many different brand 
names but what they all have in common is that   they are glucocorticoids and the only thing you 
need to know there is that it affects glucose and   if there's any doubt as to how important how 
profound this can be then just ask anyone who   has been put on prednisone and they will tell 
you in many many cases the side effects are   weight gain high blood sugar increased thirst in 
some extreme cases some more severe cases and also   frequent urination and if you notice if you watch 
some of my videos or if you're a diabetic you   know that that's another word for diabetes high 
blood sugar increased thirst frequent urination   is diabetes so this is something that contributes 
very very strongly to weight gain and diabetes   so the best diet slash lifestyle is simply the 
one that you can stick with right so we're not   trying to promote a special brand or a special 
diet we just want to understand how do they work   and if you're in favor of calorie restriction then 
you're probably going to get hungry so if you lose   weight and you want to be if you're okay with 
being hungry for the rest of your life if that   works for you then that might be the diet for you 
if you're okay with deprivation then that might be   an okay diet for you and if you want to do it 
like the people on the biggest loser and exercise   four five six seven eight hours a day 
and they lose enormous amounts of weight   if you are comfortable with keeping 
that up for the rest of your life   then that might be the model for you but if you're 
like most of us then we want to start applying   these principles in an intelligent way then what 
is it going to take for diet success and when i   say diet i mean the principles governing your 
food choices the proper food for humans well if   you want to lose weight first you have to create a 
calorie deficit that's a given but it's not enough   because if that's all you do it will be short term 
there'll be rebounds you can't keep it up and so   forth that's why 98% of diets fail in addition 
to that we have to solve the hunger deprivation   problem we have to create a plan that will 
keep us satisfied where we're full when we eat   and not so hungry between meals we have to solve 
the problem of unstable blood glucose because if   it keeps being high and low every time it's high 
you have insulin being high you can't burn fat   every time it's low you're going to get cravings 
and you get hunger and deprivation you have to get   you to where you have metabolic flexibility that 
your body can live off can create energy flexibly   from whatever you give it and it can burn the 
fat when you don't feed it for a little bit and   when you feed it it knows what to do with it also 
have to solve the problem of insulin resistance   because when we have insulin resistance we can't 
burn fat that insulin has to come down before   the fat off the body is burned and 
we also have to create a long-term   lowered insulin resistance we have to become more 
insulin sensitive to change our set point because   if we can't change the set point then we will 
have a rebound no matter how few calories you eat   and most importantly it has to be satisfying and 
so easy that you won't go back you can't go back   because if you do then you're going to create the 
problem all over again so let's talk through some   of these variables and the different popular diets 
so when i say usda i'm talking about the standard   version standard recommendations that count 
your calories eat low fat because fat is high in   calories avoid saturated fat eat skimmed milk eat 
lots of fruits and vegetables lots of grain lots   of bread and all the other things that haven't 
worked so initially you create a calorie deficit   but how about hunger and cravings well you're 
going to have plenty of them and what about   stabilizing blood sugar no it won't do 
that because you eat low fat and high carb   and frequent meals so your blood sugars can 
keep being all over the place because of that   you're going to create some reduction in 
insulin resistance just because you eat less but   because of the unstable blood sugar you're not 
going to solve your insulin resistance problem   you're not going to be consistent enough you're 
not going to be able to do it long enough to truly   change that insulin resistance and therefore 
you're also not going to change your set point   and this is why almost every time this becomes a 
yo-yo diet because the set point makes you rebound   and can you create long-term health maybe if you 
eat all of the whole foods even if they're low-fat   you can probably create pretty good health but can 
you stick to it probably not next we have low carb   high fat which if you take the carbs very low then 
you get into ketosis your diet is ketogenic and   again you can create a calorie deficit now 
the difference is you also address your blood   sugar your hunger and cravings and your insulin 
resistance very profoundly it's going to be very   powerful in addressing all of these and because 
of that it's much easier to create and to maintain   that calorie deficit and what about the set 
point well i put a question mark here because   it depends on you for a lot of people doing low 
carb high fat slash keto is going to be enough the   majority of people will lose weight permanently 
and have find it easy to maintain that but if   your body is really stubborn what tends to happen 
is you lose some weight and then you hit a plateau   so for some people that set point does 
not change enough will this create   long-term health depends on the quality of the 
foods you eat so you can eat low carb high fat   and you can eat food with a bunch of chemicals you 
can eat processed foods you can eat margarine and   it will work for these four things but if you 
put a bunch of chemicals and foreign stuff and   frankin food in your body then that's not going 
to create long-term health you might lose the   weight and you get skinny but skinny people get 
headaches and cancer and autoimmune disease and   they suffer from a bunch of other things so you 
want to look for the bigger picture and also look   at the quality so you can create long-term health 
next is intermittent fasting and this is one of   the easiest ways to create a calorie deficit and 
get good results because you eat fewer meals you   go longer between meals it's much easier to eat 
less you train your body to expect fewer meals now   the rest of them as far as handling cravings and 
blood sugar and insulin resistance and set point   it's going to depend on the person and it's 
going to depend on the type of foods you eat a   lot of people can still keep eating pizza and ice 
cream and not have cravings but for some people   you're gonna have cravings unless you also combine 
it with foods that are low insulin stimulating   same thing with stable blood sugar some people 
are going to be hyper and hypoglycemic unless   they teach their body with good foods with 
low carb foods whereas others can actually   become metabolically flexible still 
eating pizza and ice cream same thing   with insulin resistance same thing 
with set point it's going to depend   on the person if you eat more carbs it can still 
work but you're going to have more insulin swings   so it's going to be adequate for some people and 
not for others same thing with long-term health   it's going to depend on the quality of the food 
skinny people get sick too and what about paleo   paleo is where you eat like people ate before 
agriculture before civilization so now you cut out   the dairy you cut out the grain you cut out sugar 
and processed foods and if you're a more strict   version you also cut out beans and various forms 
of legumes and this is going to give you a huge   advantage over the standard usda because you're 
going to naturally eat lower carb not necessarily   super low carb but you're going to eat low carb 
you're going to stabilize blood sugar you're   going to improve all of these but depending on how 
sensitive you are it may or may not be enough okay   if you have stubborn metabolism you may have to 
go lower carbs than that allows for paleo can be   a keto diet so then you would get more and more of 
those benefits same thing with the mediterranean   diet what does mediterranean really mean it's 
just more of the type of foods they eat around   the mediterranean but that's a huge variety so 
for most people that just means that they eat   more whole foods and less processed foods so 
it's kind of like the paleo but they do allow   some bread and the biggest difference is that 
they eat more olive oil so in that sense it's a   higher fat diet than the usda and you're getting 
it from a whole food source because the olive oil   that they're eating is still a relatively stable 
and healthy fat source so how does it help with   all these other factors well it's exactly like 
the paleo it depends on what you do with it if   you understand what we said about insulin and 
cortisol then you can adapt it you can make it   low carb or you can make it high carb but the 
advantage is it has more whole foods and it has   some good healthy fats in there then how can we 
check off all of these boxes well now we go to   what i call ideal or clean keto we eat low 
carb high fat to the degree that we need as   low as it takes to correct the problem in our 
case and then we also understand that margarine   is not a good food chemicals are not good 
processed high fat low carb foods are still not   great food and now we start addressing obviously 
the same four as previously but we also getting   some long-term health what about set point well 
for an even larger number we're talking probably   95 percent of people are now going to have 
success in permanent weight loss they're going   to lose weight they might have a short plateau 
but then they'll keep losing again but if you're   among the most stubborn then you'll hit that you 
lose a little weight then you hit that plateau   and just getting in ketosis is not enough what 
those people have to do if you're among the most   stubborn now you also have to add intermittent 
fasting and now we get to check all the boxes how   much intermittent fasting depends on how stubborn 
your plateau is if you do 16 or 18 or 20 hours and   it works great if not you got to do 24 or 36 or 
48 and then once you have addressed all of these   now you can have permanent weight loss and 
then you'll have some flexibility to vary   the amount of fasting period and the amount of 
carbohydrates and so forth but you understand   what governs these principles you can eat 
till you're full and you can have a satisfying   lifestyle for the rest of your life if you enjoyed 
this video you're going to love that one and if   you truly want to master health by understanding 
how the body really works make sure you subscribe   hit that bell and turn on all the notifications 
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Drink this before breakfast, burns 1lb a day

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