Healthy Food Recipes - 1 - 2 साल के बच्चे की DIET TIPS || By Dr Brajpal | 1 Year Baby Food | 2 Year Baby Food |

February 20, 2023

Welcome parents friends two days back Fatema Arsiwala's message has arrived let me tell you what they asked please suggest my baby is 14 months old but she refuses Cow milk and bottles she is fully
depend on breast milk it means that her child who is 14
months old does not drink Cow's milk or any milk from above,
her baby is only on breastfeeding and I gave her most
feeding during her sleep time but I heard after baby
become one year then there are no nutrients and breast-milk
is not effective for them is is it true? she has asked that after 1 year do the
nutrients get exhausted from the mother's milk? and is it not good for the baby? is this correct? but it is difficult to skip
breast-milk at nap time please make a video on it she has also asked that it is
very difficult when the child is given breast-milk while sleeping, then at
that time the child wakes up again so it is very difficult not to give
breast-milk to her at such a time one has replied to Fatema who is Jaswinder Kaur what did they reply feed her without worrying dear I am also giving my
daughter is also 14 months old don't listen to people
was told the same way then I asked the doctor he said that give them for 2 years, and the baby
definitely gets a lot of benefits from it Jaswinder you have
given very good reply I would like to highlight
two things in your reply first thing you Said that
don't listen to people I want to ask a question
to all mothers over here if there is any problem related
to electricity in your house then whom do you
call? Electrician isn't it? but when there is a problem related to
the health then you listen to everyone here one of your objectives
should be that you should give importance to what the
health professionals say about it but many times in your surroundings your
relative or neighbor said something that your baby is weak, thin, feed him
properly or baby looks like this or that and due to this I have seen
many mothers in a lot of tension I am so upset doctor,
it is said many times but in fact, there is no such
problem with the kid so Jaswinder you said that don't
listen to people that is very good I am totally agree with this and what you all mothers think about
it please write me in the comment box on this sentence that
what your surrounding say to you and what
is your reaction on that please write down to me and the second thing in
the replay of Jaswinder is that breastfeed your baby
up to 2 years, it is good for them yes you can give breast milk for up to 2 years even after 2 years, if the
mother wants she can continue the child benefits from this the World Health Organization's
recommendation is also the same that you should give breast-milk
to your child up to 2 years even after that if a mother
wants then she can continue but one important thing I want to
highlight here, so, listen carefully after 1 year, the intake
of main nutrients or calories for the baby will be from
solids and not from liquid before 1 year it is getting from the liquid it may be breast-milk or formula milk before one-year baby's main
calories intake is from liquid but after 1 year our target
or our aim will be that the child will take
maximum calories from solid that's why whenever the child is feeling
hungry, you will give him solids first and only then you will
get your baby breastfeeding this is my suggestion for
you, please pay attention to it and apart from this, I have my
suggestions which I want to share with you so the first thing, what to feed the baby? especially after 1 year see, after the child is 1 year old, the baby can
eat whatever you and I are taking usually baby has good chewing movements and the food that the family members
are eating should be the same for the child it should be homemade
and nutritious some things you must include in his food milk products are there,
you can give curd, buttermilk, paneer and very important
Ghee must be there if you put ghee in his
servings then it will keep his weight good plus it is helpful
in the brain development also ghee has its own importance,
I also have a video related to it click on the 'i' button and you can
watch my full video related to ghee include milk products in baby's diet include Legumes nuts are there among
them almonds are my favorite soak 2 to 3 almonds at night and give
them to your baby in the next morning and very important, I told you always that fruits and vegetables are very
important their place is very high you must include fresh fruits
and vegetables in your b aby's diet now many asked how many times to feed? between 1 to 2 years, my personal suggestion
is that keep 4 meals and 2 healthy snacks here you can use breastfeeding as a snack I told you before and
I am telling you again when a child is feeling hungry then our target
should be we will give him solids first his main calories intake
is from solids as I told you and after that, you can breastfeed him here are some meal time tips because in the beginning
you feel that he is very slow , very messy, not eating
then have some patient keep nutritious what you are serving to him sit near to him keep eye contact with your baby talk a lot, praise him if he is eating if you eat yourself in front
of him then you can give your expression in a different
way that how tasty the food is these all things are very
helpful for the baby to eat his food please don't use mobile
and TV, don't use such things sit with him, talk to him, involve with him and this time while you are feeding
it should be your happy meal time don't make it a battlefield one moth er commented that she makes her baby sit on
the lap and forcefully feed him, what to do my child
does not eat food at all this is a game of patience your child does not want to eat
then you remove the food from there cover it or store it in the fridge
and after some time serve it again but feeding him forcefully is right or
wrong? I am telling you in every video you will also tell that do
you also feed forcefully please comment that do
you feed forcefully or not? some things that we
have to avoid for the child if baby's stomach is full of upset food will he eat good food then? absolutely no if the child only knows
about the taste that which taste is pleasing to me,
then I should eat only that whether it contains sugar,
salt, or other chemicals whether it contains fats, bad fats if you feed candy,
cookies and all bad stuff are coming to you
the cake is also involved in it so with these things, your baby is full and now you are expecting
that now my child will take fruits, vegetables, curd
then it will be difficult so the first target that no my
child will not eat this bad food it should not be inside your house after that, you will see that the
child will definitely eat healthy food please avoid these kinds of food,
don't bring these inside your house you can definitely keep one cheat day if you put one cheat day
after 20 to 30 days then it is OK what to do if baby is not eating see if a baby is not eating then respect
his appetite, don't feed him forcefully when your child is not eating
then the big reason behind it is that as soon as the child is
hungry, yo u gave him a breastfeed between these 1 to 2 years I am repeating third time that
as soon as child is hungry then our target is to give him
solids first and then breastfeed introduce him with a food with
different color, texture, and flavor see their sensory system
is developing now and you suppose that you
want to feed him an apple then it is not like that on the
very first day you cut apple and give it to him, it might
happen that he refuses that you show him an apple let him see and feel it let him play with him then after 1 to 2 days you can serve him so at this time his acceptance
for good things increases so these are all my suggestion
between 1 to 2 years old I probably feel that you like it I even ask you 1 or 2 things please reply me in the comment section how do you like the
video? please tell me that and if you like the video you feel that yes this is
a very informative video then please do like the video share it with your groups and family
members where small kids are there and subscribe to the channel thank you

Drink this before breakfast, burns 1lb a day

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