Healthy Food Recipes - Preparing for your colonoscopy

January 02, 2023

you for choosing OHSU for your colonoscopy. And congratulations on taking
an important first step in preventing colon cancer. Colonoscopy is the best way
to screen for and prevent colon cancer. During the procedure, the doctor
will pass a flexible scope with a light and camera
through your rectum to the beginning of your colon. Polyps are abnormal
tissue in your colon that may turn to colon cancer. If any polyps are
found, your doctor will remove them during the
procedure preventing them from being able to
turn into cancer. Your colon must be very clean
on the day of your procedure so the doctor has a clear view
of the walls of your colon.

Researchers have found that the
best way to clean your colon is with two doses of an
oral liquid laxative. The first dose is
taken the evening before your colonoscopy. The second dose has
taken the morning of your scheduled colonoscopy. It may appear that your
colon is clean after drinking the first dose, but
your stomach is still making fluids that can make
it difficult for your doctor to see the walls of your colon. The second dose
removes the fluids your body produced overnight to
completely clear all material from your colon. It's very important you
don't miss the second dose. Many patients who don't
drink the second dose of the liquid
laxative have to be rescheduled because their
colon is not clean enough. You will receive sedation
medicine through an IV to make you sleepy
and comfortable during the procedure. Patients who receive
sedation are not able to drive after
the procedure. You must have a
responsible person drive you home or
accompany you home in a taxi or public
transportation. You will receive instructions
and a paper prescription mailed to your address on
file approximately one month before your procedure.

If you have not
received this within two weeks of your procedure,
please contact our office. Keep an eye out for the
instructions and prescription in your mailbox. Two things to do as soon as
you receive your instructions, one take your paper
prescription to the pharmacy to get your liquid laxative. Two, coordinate for
someone to go with you to the endoscopy
center, remain on site, and drive you home
or accompany you home in a taxi or public
transportation. You should plan to be
at the endoscopy center for two to two and half hours. Haven't gotten your
instructions yet? Call our office 503-494-4373. Avoid foods with nuts or seeds. They can plug up the scope. Stop taking iron today. Review the medication section
in your instruction letter, and create a plan for
adjusting blood thinners, diabetic medications, or
anti-diarrhea medicines.

Check with your
prescribing doctor before you make changes
to blood thinners. Still have questions? Call our office. Begin a low residue diet. You should avoid
foods high in fiber, such as fresh fruits
and fresh vegetables, and whole grain
breads and beans, and choose foods such as white
bread, white rice, pasta, meat, fish, eggs, and tofu. You can have canned
vegetables or fruits without skins or seeds. If in doubt, check the label. And avoid all foods with fiber
content greater than 1 gram. Starting at midnight the
day before your procedure, no solid food. You may drink
clear liquids only. Acceptable clear liquids are
apple juice, white cranberry, or white grape juice,
clear sports drinks, like Gatorade, soda pop,
black coffee, and tea without milk, clear broth, like
beef, chicken, or vegetable, jello, and popsicles.

No red or purple colored items. Avoid juices that you
cannot see through, like tomato or orange juice,
kombucha, milk, coffee, or tea with cream, ice cream,
cream soups, or protein drinks. In the morning, mix
your prep with water as indicated in the instructions. Once the powder is
completely dissolved, you may place the liquid
in the refrigerator. Many patients prefer
the laxative cold. 4:00 PM, between
4:00 PM and 6:00 PM the night before
your appointment, drink the first half of
your liquid laxative. If you are diabetic, take half
your dose of evening insulin tonight. You will start
feeling the effect of the laxative within an hour. You'll want to be
near a restroom once you begin
drinking the solution. Continue drinking clear liquids
the remainder of the evening. The goal is to 1 gallon of clear
liquids throughout the day. If you have not had a
ball movement by 10:00 PM, call the hospital and ask to
speak with a GI fellow on call. Four hours prior to
leaving the house, drink the remaining half
of your liquid laxative. Once your colon is
properly cleaned, you should not see any
solids in the toilet.

Your liquid bowel movements
should look like urine. If your liquid bowel movements
look like images one, two, or three two hours
before leaving the house, please call our office. Two hours before your arrival
time, do not eat or anything. We're looking forward to
seeing you on your scheduled colonoscopy day. Thank you for choosing
OHSU for your health care. Funding for this video provided
by Colon Cancer Coalition..

Drink this before breakfast, burns 1lb a day

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