Healthy Food Recipes - 4 Delicious & Healthy Omelette Recipes Under 300 Calories | Breakfast for Weight-loss

January 08, 2023

Here are 4 healthy omelette recipes with calorie
counts for the perfect light breakfast. First we’re going to saute the veggies we’re
adding to our eggs. In a tsp of oil add a clove of garlic, which is both loaded with medicinal properties and has no more than 4 calories. Then in go some mushrooms, which are rich
in antioxidants. And saute them till they droop a bit. Then add some tomatoes. And a dash salt & pepper to season.

Cooked veggies add a ton of flavour to the
eggs which we’re whipping well for maximum fluffiness Use a brush to spread a thin layer of oil. And check that the pan is hot before you add
the eggs. Medium low heat is key to getting a soft and
evenly cooked omelettes. Season it with a pinch of salt. And a dash of pepper. Cover it to allow the top to steam. Once the top is set we’ll spoon in our veggies. Adding a few leaves of flavourful basil to
the mix. Then making sure the edges are lifting easily,
carefully fold the omelette over.

This style is reassuringly called ‘The Foldover’ Serve it up with some whole wheat toast or
eat it plain. This omelette only clocks in at 228 calories. Egg yolks are not unhealthy, but if you’re
on a strict calorie diet, this egg white omelette is a good choice. We’re starting with a teaspoon of oil in
which we’ll brown some chicken ham.

This is optional, but it adds a ton of flavour. Then in with some green beans, broccoli and
yellow bell peppers. We’re adding some chilli flakes to this
for a bit of a kick. Then finish with some salt and pepper. These veggies are high fibre options that
work really well together. Now let's separate our yolks. We like using this shell to shell technique,
letting the egg white drip into a bowl below. We strongly advise you wash your eggs before
trying this technique. Because salmonella is real and you don’t
want to get it. We’ll add this in and cook this on low to
retain that lovely white colour and achieve a soft, silky omelette. Always remember to season with some salt during
the cooking. When the top looks settled, we’ll add in
our veggie mixture. Sprinkle in some pepper if you like and then
carefully inserting the spatula in fold it over Don’t worry if some veggies fall out, this
will look gorgeous on a plate no matter how you serve it up! If you skip the ham this omelette is only
about 200 calories! Next up is an egg white omelette cooked in
a slightly different style.

We’ll start with some oil in a pan and saute some garlic Now some red bell peppers and a dash of Mexican seasoning that we have lying around in our pantry. And some chilli flakes for a kick. Then we’ll add in our spinach and a bit
of salt and cook it till the leaves wilt. Sauteing veggies separately wakes up their
flavours and takes your eggs to masterchef levels Now take this mixture out and let it cool down. Separate your yolks and make sure you whip
your egg whites right before you add them to your pan, because they can separate (into
a foamy and non-foamy layer) We’re going to add our veggies straight
to the eggs and mix them in.

Then in a lightly greased pan add this mixture. Let this cook on medium heat you can even
cover the pan to speed up the cooking process. Flip with the top is set and give it no more
than 30 seconds on the other side to ensure a tender, smooth omelette. This light omelette is only about 217 calories
and loaded with iron. Upgrade your standard onions and tomato omelette
with some heart-healthy Zucchini. Start with some oil and saute a bit of garlic. You can also add green chillies here. Then add the onion and saute them till translucent. Then we’ll add the zucchini and let it soften. This is loaded with vitamin C and other minerals
and is very low in calories Then in go the tomatoes. Don’t forget to season with salt and pepper. And don't cook them for too long or they'll turn to mush. Let them cool slightly while you whisk your
eggs. Add the veggie mixture in along with some
chopped dill for a load of freshness.

Now grease your pan lightly and add the mixture
in. Season with some salt & pepper. cook this covered to let the top steam Flip when the top sets and enjoy it hot! Eggs are an extremely healthy source of protein
and will not mess with your cholesterol. So go ahead and get on the sunny side of life! Have an eggcelent day and until next time
stay tuned and stay Glamrs!.

Drink this before breakfast, burns 1lb a day

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