Healthy Food Recipes - VEGAN KETO RECIPES | What I Eat Vegan In A Day | Mary's Test Kitchen

December 19, 2022

hello friends and not yet friends welcome back 
to mary's test kitchen where it's what i ate   wednesday keto edition. As always fully plant-based 
and so delicious. Plus i'll address the comments   and dms i got about the keto diet like why the 
hey am i eating this way anyways? Your questions   and to put it mildly your concerns but first 
praise be the coffee ritual is back but it is   decaf. Ya'll know i've been kicking up the healthy 
habits and i've been able to become more flexible   and just handle more in general so when i saw this 
decaf ground on a really good sale at London Drugs   i just had to try it if you're new around these 
parts you might be wondering what's the big deal   well my sensitivity to caffeine had gotten so 
bad that even brewed decaf gave me the jitters   and an awful painful jaw tension i switched it 
instant only because it's very consistently super   low in caffeine but you know obviously 
not as satisfying like compared to this   can you smell it i wish you could it's so 
fragrant with lovely caramel notes and the   taste has this dark chocolate kind of bitter 
but not too bitter it's quite smooth actually   please hit the thumbs up button if you also want 
smell-o-vision to be a thing and uh subscribe not   because that's going to help us get the technology 
but i heard it's good luck so while i wait for   this to be cool enough to drink it is time for my 
morning hydration those who know already know it's   AG1 thanks to Athletic Greens for sponsoring 
the video today.

One little scoop has 75 different   vitamins minerals superfoods sourced from whole 
foods adaptogens and dairy-free probiotics which   you know i am a huge fan of it's all combined to 
support said gut health and support the immunity   recovery focus energy aging it's like just uh 
all around really good supplement that you can   actually incorporate easily every single day 
because frankly it tastes good like make it   pleasurable and i can do it every day otherwise 
i'm i'm i try but i'm a no really so if you   want to start this healthy habit that can lead to 
more check out my special link in the description   down below or up in the cards on this side 
it might be on that side and you will get on   your first purchase two free things first you're 
going to get a year supply of vitamin d3 plus k2   that is as we probably already know by now is very 
very important for supporting the immune system   and you'll also get five free travel packs 
which you know coming up for the summer is   pretty convenient i will be bringing them with 
me i am finally going to visit my parents it's   been way too long i'm going at the end of this 
month beginning of next month so i'm really really   excited about that i guess i'm not expecting you 
to be excited about it maybe just be excited for   the free things okay so while you're over there 
on their website checking it out i will tell you   my personal experience i've already told you 
about how just like a month on the AG1 i was   feeling that my chronic tendinitis symptoms have 
been improved like my baseline especially in   the morning first thing because usually i do 
have like a baseline pain it is a lot better   since i started taking ag-1 so obviously there's 
some sort of nutritional gap that i was not being   able to fill with my regular diet although ideally 
we do want to get our nutrients from food but we   don't live in an ideal world so either way i love 
to be covered with my AG1 it makes me feel better   overall i feel like my energy is up the last three 
months i'm able to you know do the work i want   to do and care for the people and pets i want to 
care for and do the hobbies i've been doing maybe   some of you have seen it on my second channel 
i'm really late on updating all the progress   but things have been going really well i'm very 
surprised and impressed with myself to be honest   because like i'm not a very sporty person any whosees
in case you're wondering it is nut free egg free   dairy free obviously is vegan friendly is keto 
friendly it doesn't have any artificial colors   or flavors preservatives you know any of the 
bad stuff has all the good stuff not the bad   stuff uh if you haven't tried it already i 
do encourage you you know where the link is   i've already told you like probably two times 
already because i'm not really good at this   um again thank you to AG1 for sponsoring 
the video today and we will go on because   i also know exactly what i want for breakfast 
i have extra firm tofu already blotted dry   and i'm going to slice it in half one goes in 
this containery for later the other half goes on   a pan well first the pan over medium heat with 
a little oil which is optional in case you are   one of my oil-free friends it's good for flavor 
and color but this pan is brand new nonstick so   not completely necessary add the tofu and i 
just want all sides to get a little olive oil   and then we can leave it alone to get golden 
usually for avocado toast i just take my ripe   fruit cut it in half and squish it out onto the 
toast today since you're here i thought i'd try my   hand at avocado roses but i've run into my first 
problem oh no no worries remember we're flexible   i'm gonna make it work no big deal now 
make very thin slices for our rose petals maybe thinner than this really that took so long so let's 
check how our tofu is doing nicely golden flip and spatula it for good 
contact and i think we can bump up the heat and maybe some salt then move the sliced 
avocado over and i'm noticing the pieces   are quite stuck together so this time before 
slicing i'm going to add a little olive oil   please be very careful if you do this because 
in my opinion typically oil plus a sharp knife   equals danger so there's your warning 
still it's going to be better this time   you see fan out the slices i'm needing a little 
oil here since the pieces are sticking so much and now for the bravery test my dudes it is confirmed these slices 
are too thick but we shall persevere come on that is not too bad for a first try right now for attempt number two this 
one with the thinner slices   it's much more flexible and 
much easier to work with finally let's go back to our toasty tofu 
it is all golden crispy i actually cooked   it a few minutes on the edges too but i 
forgot to film so that is why they are   so beautiful looking this becomes our toast 
for our avocado toast on goes a little mayo   onion powder garlic powder freeze-dried 
dill and one tightly wrapped avocado flower   time to let it bloom how cute now for its 
differently blessed sibling and for some color   what's avocado toast without sriracha that's 
good that's what it is more onion powder because   i just love this stuff and my homemade furukake a 
japanese seaweed seasoning which is traditionally   added to rice dishes and usually contains 
bonito flakes which is a fermented fish product   mine of course is a vegan alternative 
using nutritional yeast instead of bonito   with a little sweetener added to enhance the 
savoriness friends i think i've outdone myself   this time creamy avocado perfectly seasoned with 
hearty crispy tofu toast now if you don't have   the same goals as mine and you'll want to 
slip in a little toasty toast under there   by all means whatever you take from this video 
into your kitchen is yours and there are no rules   but why pray tell am i not slipping a little 
toasty toast myself you might be asking to make   a very long story short i figured out that dense 
carbohydrates can trigger my chronic tendonitis   to flare right up flare-ups are the most annoying 
thing because it has been 84 years well it's been   seven years since i was first diagnosed with 
chronic tendonitis or tendinitis it had been   going on for a very long time actually before 
i even saw a doctor so i may i may have like it to myself to uh to a to a fair amount but 
anyways uh it affects everything it just sucks i'm   not gonna sugarcoat it it affects how much i can 
work when i can work how i can work uh it affects   all the hobbies i can do i no longer get to sew or 
crochet or knit or do any of like the handicrafts   i used to really love to do can't do those anymore 
i mean it actually even affects how much i can pet   my cats which you know do not see their faces they 
don't do they not deserve all of the pets anyways   there are treatments and behaviors that i do to 
help keep everything at a minimum the baseline   inflammation as low as possible i don't try to 
aggravate my symptoms i do warm-ups before work   you know a bunch of stuff uh it's very involved 
but flare-ups still happen even when i seem to do   everything right we go from a pain based level 
of like three or four to like eight or nine   but yeah it's pretty annoying after some 
experimentation i found out that if i put my body   in a state of ketosis and that just means the mode 
when your body is primarily burning fat for fuel   the flare-up the swelling the pain it can go 
drastically decrease very very quickly much more   quickly than if i just rest and do my treatments 
like the treatments take away pain temporarily   the treatment is generally this like ice bath 
for the arms and any affected areas usually i'm   not dunking my whole body or anything like that 
that's really just to get rid of temporary pain   it warms back up and it's still painful after that 
i don't take any pain medication anymore because   i've had a lot of bad side effects with those 
there are more extreme methods of getting   into ketosis i am thinking of one that somebody 
mentioned however that is just uh not necessarily   risk-free and not exactly conducive to my 
lifestyle is a food content creator and that's all   i'm going to say about that for now so generally 
i find that if i keep up my usual eating pattern   which is time-restricted eating which is really 
following my body's natural cues to be honest   then i usually keep it keto for like about a week 
so i can maximize the benefits and um balance that   with my desire to do whatever the heck i want 
all the time as is tradition here on mary's test   kitchen as you can probably tell by my content i 
don't keep a consistently keto diet all the time   it's just i use it kind of like a treatment on 
an as needed basis during those times of course   try to take supplements to make sure that i'm 
getting everything that i need but like i said   before like i'm terrible at that kind of thing 
if it's not pleasant i don't want to do it it's   going to be really hard for me to do every day 
i'm going to easily forget you know what i mean   and you know where this is going it is like i've 
already done my ad read so i don't have to say any   more about the ag-1 but it literally is the 
only supplement that i've been able to keep   up and that i feel a difference from 
like that's very rare so like that's   why i work with them they they actually 
do what they claim and what i claim *segue*   uh what i claim is that for this next meal for 
lunch that i have planned i'm gonna get it going   and well i gotta go back to work do a little work 
and then i'm gonna get into it but it's gonna be   this i'll just put a screenshot or something this 
glorious vegan buffalo chicken salad so stay tuned   i don't know what the head bob was about i 
just i'm not used to being on camera guys so   you know i'm probably a little bit more sillier 
more sillier all right i gotta get serious and   go back to work all right i'll see you in a second 
first step let me introduce you to my recent love   soy curls you might have seen me i uh impulsively 
bought a 12 pound box and it has been glorious   don't mistake soy curls for tvp or other kinds 
of soy chunks they are similar but they are not   the same soy curls are made with whole soybeans 
for some reason they taste a heck of a lot better   than tvp in my opinion they've got the fiber still 
in them every single goodness from the soybean you   soak them in hot boiling water to rehydrate them 
quickly and while we wait might as well get the   greens ready there are more nutrient dense screens 
yes guys but um i do what i want and i love   romaine this here is about three cups oh here's a 
little food storage hack for you store your washed   and mostly dried lettuce in a big ziploc and then 
squeeze out any air before sealing it it will stay   fresh and crispy for ages i'll do a very simple 
dressing today because my topping is going to be   intense to say the least olive oil lemon juice 
plus onion powder make sure to get the super   fine stuff if you can a granulated onion powder 
just isn't as good garlic powder salt and pepper   now we'll pop this in the fridge 
while i get back to the soy curls   drain them nicely and i'm going off camera 
to rinse them in cold water so they cool   down and i can squeeze the heck out of them 
and get rid of as much water as possible look how chickeny they are tender with a good 
bite to them and ready to take on any seasonings   starting with buffalo sauce this is frank's 
buffalo wing sauce which happens to be vegan   friendly already although i prefer the flavor 
of using hot sauce and mixing with plain vegan   butter myself but this is very convenient then a 
fresh clove of garlic a regular little clove will   do but i am not mad at this garlic for giants more 
of my beloved very powdery onion powder than salt   at this point we interrupt the seasoning a 
moment to preheat the air fryer by the way you   can certainly do this in the oven it just takes a 
bit longer i almost forgot a little nooch for that   savory lipton chicken noodle kind of flavor 
by the way since soy curls are already fully   cooked you can taste and adjust the flavor right 
now just keep in mind the flavor will be more   concentrated after air frying or baking now we can 
dump our saucy soy curls into the air fryer basket spread things out a bit and this goes in 
the air fryer at 400 degrees fahrenheit   for about 8 to 10 minutes however long 
you you know like or have patience for   no waiting around for me though let's make 
some toppings chop some fresh green onions   and make a quick little cheese sauce you can 
always do some aquafaba mozzarella from scratch   or other kind of homemade cheese sauce but this is 
just really really easy and convenient for lunch   one more step because i decided i did want the 
buttery flavor of miyoko's after all and the soy   curls are ready browned around the edges just 
wonderful they aren't crispy though despite how   they look they're more like meaty chewy and you 
can just mix it up with the melting vegan butter   and a little monk fruit and erythritol sweetener 
to balance the spice after mixing you can taste it   then on to our fresh and crispy lettuce 
melted cheese sauce dried parsley   and fresh green onions it's so good i eat like 
a variation of this almost every day sometimes i   change up the spices sometimes it's a lemon greek 
style soil curl plus add some peppers onions and   olives sometimes it's a chinese five spice style 
porky flavored kind of thing i have not applied   my vegan shawarma treatment to it yet but i will 
soon and i bet it will be good but for now i will   just enjoy this glorious buffalo mozzarella soy 
curl salad and addressed a couple of the comments   well actually i got a lot of people saying that 
keto is straight-up dangerous true it could   probably be especially for people who experience 
tendencies to treat food restrictions in a   unhealthy direction any kind of 
restrictive eating pattern can lead to   more restricted more restriction in 
a very negative direction a lot of   people say that about veganism actually 
and statistically is actually true so proceed with caution this is not a prescription 
like what i eat in a day videos are never what i'm   telling you to eat well sometimes i do sometimes 
like i make a really good thing and i'm like   you should try it but you're supposed 
to take whatever i make the idea of it   and then do whatever the heck you want with it for 
it to fit your life your goals your your macros   or i don't know a guess whatever you want to do 
because there are no rules like like i mentioned   before it is a tool tools are meant to be used 
in certain ways misusing a tool can be dangerous   oops i just dropped one on my foot five second 
rule no um i also had some other comments that   said keto is dangerous and the science says it's 
dangerous and i was linked to or pointed to some   papers i should say were mostly summaries and 
i've read more than that i guess in this kind of   sphere of keto plant-based or you know effects 
of low carb etc some of your comments touched   on weight loss and how it's not effective for 
weight loss short term it's only water weight   frankly i don't care about weight loss this is not 
what this channel is about so i have nothing to   say about that one of the papers in particular 
brought up that keto diets show increased ldl   increased bad cholesterol not enough fiber not 
enough micronutrients that could be possibly   associated with like poor health outcomes you see 
how i'm doing it those studies don't seem to apply   to plant-based keto there are i've looked 
for studies on plant-based keto like   i'm not seeing any that focus on what i want 
to you know use it for and for long term either   they're just not i guess it's just like a too new 
of an approach correct me if i'm wrong but i just   don't see the risk of it versus a meat-based 
keto diet right and my opinion on whether a   meat-based keto diet is dangerous or not leave me 
out of it i have no interest i'm just doing this   so that whenever my pain like my baseline pain 
seems to creep up or i get a major flare up i   put myself into ketosis i use the low carb foods 
menu here like this for example live my happy   life whilst i stay in ketosis and don't have any 
ill side effects that i can feel and be able to   get back to work not to say i'm not going to pay 
attention to my health i guess this comes across   as kind of defensive when all i did was ask for 
your opinions and you just gave me your opinions   but i do want to share that it just seems to 
me that plant-based keto is a lot different   than like a meat based keto and my intentions 
are a lot different than like the prevailing   idea of the only reason why you would do it my 
approach to this whole thing too is not like i   feel as restrictive as a lot of the content 
seems to make it seem like it needs to be   and i'll get more into my approach later now i did 
have some comments these are lighter comments um   some people are asking like how do you make it 
taste good how do you get variety how do you get   enough protein without supplements like hey i am 
okay with supplements actually uh they're clearly   fine to me i don't feel like you need it it's just 
like for convenience right cooking every single   meal from scratch isn't that convenient and it 
doesn't fit most people's lifestyles but for me um   it does it does now that i have like a lot of the 
use of my hands back remember back back in the day   when i i complained about like being so sick 
of like amy's soups and like daiya pizzas i just   couldn't stand it anymore because i had to use 
them because my hands just wouldn't let me cook   now i can cook every single 
meal of the day and they're fine   plus i can work like you can't the the amount 
of life-changing this has been for me like   everything not just not just this but everything 
up until now it has been such a turnaround that   i am not going to get emotional about instead let 
me demonstrate uh with a youtube filmmaking magic   dinnertime allow me to demonstrate with my vegan 
fried rice rice being not rice but when i make   it this way it's not so easy to tell i mean i can 
tell obviously but i've served to this and people   tell me they couldn't tell until i told them 
the first component to any good fried rice is   leftovers leftover bits and bobs 
of vegetables and my pre-prepped   bok choy leftover buffalo soy curls from this 
afternoon and fresh chopped green onions and   cauliflower rice pine nuts because they are so 
fragrant and some vegan round that needs using up   plus a bunch of seasonings don't worry if you 
don't have the exact same things substitutions   are easy and encouraged as always also don't 
worry about writing anything down because i'm   going to have it in the description box for you 
along with the written recipe or a link to the   printable version so let's take it to the stove on 
medium heat down with a bit of olive oil and just   a normal amount a little less a little more it's 
not going to matter because you just need enough   for this crushed garlic the oil conducts heat 
so all the garlic can cook evenly and release   the oil soluble flavors without burning and this 
is why oil sauteing is superior to water saute   fight me in the comments then when it's 
fragrant and just the tiniest golden pour in   the cauliflower rice and how you make cauliflower 
rice is literally just take some cauliflower blitz   it in a food processor until it's like ricey and 
this is what you got this may not look like a lot   by the way because it's not it's just dinner 
for one tonight because someone is out of town   so just double it if you're cooking for two 
or of course you can do this exact same thing   with leftover jasmine rice or a mixture of 
cauliflower rice and regular rice if you're   not interested in keeping at low carb but want to 
keep in the wonderful nutrients from cruciferous   you do you then a touch of five spice ginger 
powder since i was out of fresh ginger which   you would have added with the fresh garlic if 
you had it and one more thing i forgot i had was   shallots that needed to get that fry up treatment 
too so whoopsies i'm putting it in on the side   might as well go in with the lighter green 
and white parts of our green onion as well   and fruitlessly go after a big chunk of 
cauliflower that didn't get riced properly you can probably tell by how it looks if it's 
cooked but you should taste it just to see that   it's cooked through i find it's more ricey that 
way totally cooked through as opposed to crunchy   par cooked cauliflower rice i'm just not a fan of 
that i'll add a touch of salt and my dusty onion   powder some white pepper is absolutely essential 
that is a rule and of course this is all to taste   so that's it for our rice for now we will come 
back to it later now for the protein no oil   necessary for this step since the vegan ground 
beef i'm using doesn't tend to stick there are   so many kinds now you can pretty much use whatever 
you like and then the leftover soy curls from our   salad this afternoon seasoned with rice vinegar 
not the seasoned kind just the plain rice vinegar   soy sauce and a bit of sweetener again my 
favorite kind which will balance out these   salty and sour flavors for a really mouth-watering 
asian style taste add to that some ground sichuan   peppercorn if you have it some ginger powder 
onion powder yet again and our meat is done once more with olive oil because 
just egg is quite famous for sticking in with white pepper and on to join its friends now let's get the 
leftover veggies just lightly cooked season   with garlic powder they really don't need a 
lot i want them to keep their original flavor and everything can go back in to mix and mingle 
our fried rice is really delicious at this point   but i want to add pine nuts they really 
are good as is you don't have to toast them   however since you're visiting today and you're my 
guest i've got to make them a little bit special   i actually got this idea from visiting a buddhist 
chinese food restaurant in vancouver called Bo Kong (Kingsway location)  and they have this pine nut and olive leaf 
fried rice and when i had that wow if you're in   vancouver i get to try that out it's so good and 
so yeah that i decide this pine nut idea is from them lovely i picked that up from 
watching heavenlyfan videos recently   shout out to her and also if 
you're a fan of heavenly fan   let me know in the comments below last but not 
least we're gonna cook up some garlic bok choy   first with a touch of olive oil again to make sure 
that garlic can get to its maximum aromatic power   and then the beautiful bok choy i'm arranging 
them for maximum contact since a little char   does enhance the flavor a way to get that wok 
hei kind of flavor without actually getting wok hei and a little water helps to steam it so it 
cooks faster final touch a bit of soy sauce lid   on for half a minute or so and it's done let's 
lay out the bok choy and garnish with dark green   parts of green onion and toasted sesame seeds 
and some ground red chili flakes and would you   look at that there is so much flavor packed 
in a good amount of protein healthy fat from   the pine nuts but it's not like we're going into 
extremes except for extremely delicious extremely   satisfying extremely colorful it's mostly just 
normal cooking but i switch out the traditional   rice for cauliflower which is packed with even 
more fiber and has its own special benefits too   it's like pretty much how i approach things when 
switching my regular way of eating too low carb   just make some simple switches small adaptations 
keep it fun and delicious don't stress too much   have some tea maybe later and relax and a brazil 
nut for that selenium so i am going to start   talking numbers soon but spoiler alert i haven't 
found that paying attention to numbers to be super   important at all one last thank you to athletic 
greens for sponsoring this if you are interested   in trying out AG1 click my special link below 
and on your first purchase you're going to get   five free travel packs and your year's supply up 
to a year's supply of vitamin d3 drops and with   that let's get into numbers but first a caveat 
if numbers concerning things like calories and   macros are not a healthy thing for you to be 
watching or listening to me talk about then   bye bye for now i hope you enjoyed the video take 
the recipe ideas and do with it what you would   like for the rest of you if you are interested i 
think the most interesting thing about the numbers   is that i don't stick to the strict keto macros 
and what that means is like if you go online and   you're like what's the keto diet about what are 
the macros for keto it always says something to   the effect of 70 to 80 of your calories from 
fat but for me a keto diet is just the diet   that keeps me in ketosis either it helps me get 
there or it keeps me there one thing that i will   say is i think i mentioned it before that 
i do intermittent fasting and that actually   will help you just because there's more time in 
between your meals and therefore during that time   you are burning up your glycogen say if you're 
going from like a regular state to the ketosis   state it's faster if you intermittent fast 
i guess but also it's faster if you kind of   well i shouldn't say faster i think for 
me it's beneficial to go into it slowly   i kind of once once i figured out this tool i kind 
of kept it a little bit on the low carb side and i   am mindful when i have dense carbohydrates like 
i know what the consequences are and so therefore   i'll try to make sure my other meals have lots 
of non-starchy carbs instead of the starchier   ones so it kind of all balances out and i kind of 
stay on the lower side even if i'm not in ketosis   so that when i feel like there's a flare up and 
i need to or i have a big editing job coming up   and i just know the stress is also going to like 
add to the possibility of a flare-up i'll keep it   low-carb say so just that out of the way i'll get 
into the numbers now but like i said my numbers   like my macros here i'll go get into right away 
fat today is at 63 now mind you with chronometer   everything is actually kind of an estimate i did 
weigh out my food whenever i could beforehand the   olive oil i think i maybe have gone a little bit 
over than what i have recorded um but so generally   without actually trying to add additional fats 
like i'm not trying to put in fat bombs here   i'm just kind of naturally eating what i eat and 
not worry about being low-fat because i never   actually worry about being low-fat but switching 
out the dense carbohydrates such as bread and   you know me i usually if i'm gonna eat bread it's 
gonna be white bread if it's gonna be pasta it's   gonna be like you know regular pasta not some of 
the new fandangled pastas that are out right now   nothing wrong with them it's just not how i like 
to enjoy those dense carbohydrates but in general   it's gonna be kind of like more refined foods a 
white rice i just i went through a phase in my   20s where i actually did like brown rice and then 
i switched back to white rice and i could never   go back it's just not pleasant for me i'd rather 
not have it so it's white rice or no rice in my   opinion you do you of course this is not like a 
judgment or me trying to tell you what to do or   anything like that also when me with me sharing 
my numbers i'm really not trying to tell you how   to do even if you're trying to go along with me 
trying to go tito or i don't know what you're   trying to do i'm not telling you that this is what 
you should eat or this is how you should eat it is   just what i ate this one day and it's and this 
kind of style is working for me for my tendonitis   it really has nothing to do with almost like 
90 of you but if you're curious here they are   also protein i have it in at 20 today uh and and 
then carbs are at 17 so that is much higher so   this is net carbs much higher than the prescribed 
like 10 percent 5 percent that you'll see online   but i find that i still stay in ketosis now i 
test with um p strips but i don't actually test   anymore like i did that in the beginning when i 
was figuring out what does even ketosis feel like   now that i know what it feels like it's really 
obvious i think for everyone it is the symptoms   are different some of the negative symptoms i have 
had a little bit of question a few questions about   is like did you get bad breath or like fatigue 
or you know keto flu that's never really happened   for me the only thing that i really noticed 
that like you could construe is sort of   unpleasant is my hands and feet will get cold 
not super cold and it's not something that i'm   unfamiliar familiar with anyways because growing 
up i was always famously cold hands cold feet   until i went vegan about 10 years ago and all of 
a sudden i always had very warm hands and feet it   was so strange to me so when i started doing like 
a low carb thing and had cooler hands and feet   i was thinking oh yeah that makes sense 
because before i was vegan i would eat   not every two to three hours like when i first 
went vegan and and it was a whole like whole   whole foods type of approach even though i hadn't 
learned about the whole food plant-based movement   yet i would just be hungry all the time it wasn't 
a big deal because every two hours i had a snack   like i would always have purse snacks uh anyways 
this is besides the point i'm rambling sorry um   if you were like to the point mary as you can see 
yeah they are these are not the prescribed macros   but it works for me to stay in ketosis and it 
works for me for like my goals of what i want   to do and uh my calories are at a 13 calorie 
surplus but as you can remember this is very   like this is just a guideline and it's not meant 
to my my maintenance is not your maintenance um   same as what is going to keep you in ketosis 
or get you into ketosis is different from what   from me and some people uh apparently find it 
very very hard to get into ketosis and even when   they do they don't feel a benefit they don't feel 
like clear-headed they don't feel with more energy   um so if that's not you apparently there are 
genetic differences um and it all comes down   to like i just actually read about this and it 
has to do with mitochondria but i don't remember   um so i'm not going to say anything more about 
that since i don't really remember i didn't   take notes thing okay so let's get back down 
to micronutrients which are like what people   are more concerned about i think so vitamins 
like this is including all the food including   my supplement for today the AG1 plus the vitamin 
d3 and k did i put the drops in yes i did okay   um and so you can see that all of my vitamins that 
chronometer has here are covered or more than in   terms of minerals we're all covered telling me 
i'm having too much salt but i don't think i added   very much salt and oh here the salt is coming 
from frank's soy sauce the gardein yeah you know   what no big deal i'm not worried about it to be 
honest i'm not i never worry about it iron magne   no phosphorus potassium i'm not actually worried 
about this chronometer doesn't actually take into   account some of the nutrients from some of the 
foods the datasets are not 100 complete so i know   actually that i do have an magnesium for this day 
according to their recommended amount of magnesium   i'm pretty sure it's the same with the phosphorus 
and potassium and then so here are protein i'm a   little bit less than usual today i didn't have 
any protein powder i didn't necessarily want to   emphasize protein all that much i actually 
only put in as much as either what i have   in the fridge or what i care to eat and so i 
think it all evens out the end and it kind of   the other thing is you can't really pay attention 
to all the micro like the all the different amino   acids here in terms of the accuracy because again 
parameter does not have a full complete data set   for every single ingredient i had today so this 
may be off but if you did want to have it covered   you know protein powder why not um they are 
usually formulated to be a whole complete source   of protein and all you need anyway so that those 
are the numbers i don't think they're that very   very interesting the only really interesting thing 
maybe when you're talking about a plant-based diet   is you may have a little bit extra carbs and 
i personally find that it's not a big deal   i watched recently i think it was healthy oh 
healthy crazy cool oh no i am not actually sure   of the username but they posted because like maybe 
a week of eating keto and they seem to be really   concentrated on like the macros the prescribed 
macros of 10 carbs or i forget how many grams but   anyways i don't think that is actually necessary 
i think it's you if you get your body into ketosis   and you know what it feels like and you know what 
foods make up you know help you do that go to   where those foods get enough protein i suppose and 
don't worry about it don't worry about packing in   extra fat bombs don't worry about oh no this 
the red pepper is gonna put me five grams over   i don't think it really matters and if you get 
kicked and well i don't know about you but if i   get kicked out of ketosis for like a little 
bit a day if i am in a therapeutic mode and   this is like i'm doing it intentionally 
for a purpose that i'm actually in pain   and i really need to work the next day or 
something that i might take an extra walk   too much exercise however gets me injured so i 
just i think it's connected to the tendonitis it's   just it's one of those things so anyways i i hope 
you enjoyed this video i hope it was not as scary   as i think some people had expected just based on 
the opinions and the comments that i got from when   i now said i'm going to do this video why cato i 
really didn't expect that so many people would be   i did ask for your opinions and maybe some people 
were just spicy about it and um just saying their   own opinion for themselves which is totally 
fine totally cool but like i did have somebody   announce that they're unsubscribing and well i 
mean if this honestly if this kind of uh content   is you know just unhealthy for you to watch at 
all i'm happy for you to just like take care   of yourself right i honestly genuinely just wish 
everyone the best like anyways that's it i guess   uh thank you so much for watching sorry i'm so 
awkward on camera i actually filmed this little   segment afterwards because i just had too much on 
camera time i couldn't handle it and this is going   to be tough to edit i know i rambled on so much 
and it's going to take so long um all right i hope   you have a wonderful day thank you so much for 
watching please subscribe if you want to subscribe   it's totally up to you there are no rules and 
uh give us a like for encouragement bye for now

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