Healthy Food Recipes - Vegan Candida Cleanse Diet Recipes and Meals for a Day

December 17, 2022

Now, this is not for you! This is for ME,
because I've been good, done my Candida cleanse and got my Candida overgrowth
under control! So, do your cleanse, reintroduce the foods
that you leave out now properly, and I will see you on the other side with a
watermelon! And it doesn't have to be difficult at all! Just in a bit I will
show you how yummy and satiating vegan Candida cleanse menu actually can be!I'm sorry about the changing light, because I have only one artificial light
and this side is outside and it's raining and the clouds are coming and
going and so it's really difficult to adjust. I will just let it be. Just to
note, my own cleanse back in 2016 was much more rigid. I excluded even
applesauce, all berries, fruits of course, legumes, mushrooms and even matcha.
However, I've learned a great deal since then and now know that this is not
absolutely necessary in most cases.

In fact, you will see me using applesauce,
wild blueberries and mushrooms in this video. And bear in mind though that
applesauce absolutely needs to be unsweetened without any additives and
preferably made of green apples. In any event, should your case be very severe,
it'd be better to leave out the apples and berries all together at least for a
few weeks until your symptoms start to abate. Furthermore, the majority will do
just fine by adding lentils and mung beans into the menu already in the
beginning of the cleanse, especially sprouted.

I address the
issue of the foods in grey area such as low glycemic fruits and berries, legumes,
grains that contain gluten, starchy veggies, and mushrooms in my vegan
Candida meal plan. The value of my Candida meal plan lies in tailored
balanced meals that don't exceed recommended glycemic load while also
covering the RDAs for all micronutrients. So I don't merely provide recipes, but I
also give you a step-by-step guide to compile balanced means according to your
preferences and produce availability. For more information on Candida overgrowth
in general, namely symptoms, causes, testing, and treatment, make sure to
download my very thorough free guide. Let's start with this yummy low glycemic
oat bran cauliflower porridge. First, in a small bowl, pour enough water on the
rolled oats to cover and set aside. Then, using a grater or food processor,
make riced cauliflower. Cook cauliflower and oat bran in soy milk or water for
five minutes stirring occasionally. You can also add the riced cauliflower for
the last one two minutes, if you prefer it crunchy. Now turn off the heat and
mix in the soaked rolled oats along with cinnamon, ginger and salt.

Add water or
plant milk if necessary. Finally goes in mesquite flour. You can also use carob
or any other low glycemic sweetener. Here you go!
Top with cranberries or any other low glycemic berries and hemp seeds or other
seeds of preference. This is just so yummy and creamy!
To save time, make a bigger batch of riced cauliflower. I usually make enough for
three to four days. It's so convenient to store it in a sealed container in fridge
and grab it whenever needed. For more ideas go and watch my video on how to
make low glycemic porridges. This one here is with lentils and it's one of my
favorites. I'll cover Candida friendly snacks and
desserts towards the end of this video, but now it's lunchtime. The key to
beating Candida overgrowth is eating plenty of low glycemic fibre rich and
satiating foods. So let's start with about two cups of Romaine lettuce
followed by shredded raw red cabbage and carrot. The latter is something that most
people can have also on cleanse, but you have to listen to your body and leave it
out in case your symptoms do not abate.

For protein I decided to have cooked
quinoa and edamame beans. Here's avocado for healthy
monounsaturated fats sprinkled with some lemon juice. Let's whip up a really
simple and quick dressing by mixing together plain soy yogurt, miso paste,
Indian spice mix, garlic powder and lemon juice.
You can use any plain plant yogurt instead of soy.
Here we go! Simply sprinkle it on your bowl and eat it neatly as it is or mix
everything together to enhance flavours. My tip is to cook everything in batches,
so it will be even quicker to compile a bowl in the evening or even the next day. Since I used only raw veggies in my
lunch bowl, the dinner will be mostly about cooked greens. Here's steamed kale,
broccoli, asparagus, mushrooms, cooked black rice, raw bell pepper. My daily
iodine intake in the form soaked wakame seaweed. And for the dressing I'm
combining soy yogurt and tomato paste. You might add some miso or tamari, pepper
and spices of choice, but I like it also plain as that.

I added such a small
amount of rice, because my dessert will be grain based. Raw buckwheat ricotta with wild
blueberries. I use sprouted buckwheat for maximum benefits, but you can limit it to
soaking. However, sprouting diminishes the
glycemic load of grains and legumes as well as makes them easier to digest. Next
ingredient is plain oat yogurt and then wild blueberries. Then I use an immersion
blender to process everything.

Make sure you indeed use the wild variety as
garden blueberries have much higher glycemic load and tend not to be
suitable on Candida cleanse diet. Add any suitable low glycemic sweetener if
necessary. I usually go for mesquite powder or lucuma powder or sometimes
also opt for erythritol or a few drops of stevia. If you have a severe
case and even berries are not an option, simply leave them out or instead make a
chocolaty version with carob powder. It's really so yummy and satiating dessert or
even snack. let's move on to more snack and dessert ideas. My all-time favourite
pancakes are those oatmeal pancakes, which goes so well with applesauce, plant
yogurt, my healthy chocolate sauce or nut butter and of course my matcha latte. By
the way, leave at least an hour between meals and matcha, if you have issues with
iron absorption. To be honest, I also like those pancakes plain. They make either a
good brekkie or a snack.

Another Candida cleanse friendly pancake recipe
that I love is my chocolatey buckwheat sourdough pancakes that I will link up here.
Again, it's a great recipe for batch cooking and therefore making your life
easier. Next up are savoury sorghum muffins. My vegan Candida meal plan also
includes oat bran zucchini muffins -- my first ever Candida muffins. I'll link those
below. Those sorghum muffins are so good that I've been eating at least one daily
since I created a recipe in January! So that's that! Like the pancakes, also those
muffins fall into both breakfast and snack category. In addition, you could
even eat one with your lunch or dinner. And once more, they make an excellent
batch cooking item to add to your repertoire. Another grainy/bready snack
would be those sprouted buckwheat crackers.
If sprouting sounds intimidating, soaking will do! However, I really suggest trying
it out. It doesn't require any special equipment or skills. Have them plain
or with plant yogurt or nut butter.

It's not too hard to make your own almond
butter as it can be quite pricey if store-bought. You can watch a separate
video on how to make almond butter at home. For some light snacking, choose raw
non-starchy veggies like cucumber, cauliflower, bell peppers, turnip, tomatoes,
kohlrabi, celery, carrots, and some sprouts. If you need to dip them into something,
go for plain plant yogurt or nut butter. Or even the salad dressings I showed you

Nibble on raw nuts and seeds like hazelnuts and almonds, Brazil nuts
for daily selenium, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and walnuts. It's advisable
to soak them first and then freeze or dehydrate and store in the fridge.
Should you be fond of a heartier snack that also qualifies as a dessert, I'd suggest
bliss bowls made of ingredients that are suitable on Candida cleanse.

Recipe video
link up here and in description. Make sure to sub carob for cacao
and add less sweetener as carob is so sweet per se. The only thing I do
differently for myself to save time is that I skip the ball forming part.
Instead I transfer the batter into a container, store it in fridge and
whenever I need a yummy sweet snack I scoop out a decent portion and form a
single giant ball to accompany my tea. As you can see the batter gets
much firmer on the second day. Another chocolaty
Candida cleanse treat would be those chocolate chip cookies with homemade
carrot chips.

Needless to say I have a tutorial video on how to make both the
cookies and chips. Now, go right now and download my free guide to Candida
overgrowth! And don't forget that you can support my work by liking, commenting and
subscribing, especially hitting that bell button for notifications as well!.

Drink this before breakfast, burns 1lb a day

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