Healthy Food Recipes - Meal Prep Easy Keto Dinners for the Week | ALL DONE IN ONE HOUR!

December 12, 2022

this week on what's for keto dinner 
of course we're back in the kitchen   i'm going to be showing you guys how i meal 
prep our keto dinners for the week this week   i'm only going to be focusing on three dinners the 
other nights will be filled in which is probably   something easy like steak and vegetables or like 
hamburger bunless burger or something like that   in a side salad but i do want to prep up three 
recipes to make my life easier through the week   if you guys are looking for some more keto meal 
prep ideas well then just click up here and watch   my whole playlist on what i like to make for my 
family during the week these are all keto dinners   a lot of them are easy meal prep recipes i'm 
going to continue to come out with this series   because you guys seem to like it make sure 
you guys subscribe to my channel and hit the   notification bell down below so you don't miss any 
one of these videos so let's get started with what   we're gonna make for the week all right here's 
what's on my menu for the week i'm only making   three things like i said uh we're gonna be making 
an elk chili i do have this recipe on my website   but i use ground beef instead but you guys know 
me i have a bunch of ground elk in the freezer so   we are going to use that instead and then i'm 
going to do chicken crust pizza which is another   recipe on my website kids really love this recipe 
so they're gonna be excited that we're having   pizza for dinner one night and then we're also 
gonna be making egg roll in a bowl and this is   um a favorite recipe of mine it tastes so good and 
plus it's easy to make first up i'm going to get   started on that elk chili now this recipe on my 
website i do give you instructions for cooking it   in instant pot which you could do you could even 
try the slow cooker too it should work in the slow   cooker i haven't tried that yet just the instant 
pot but actually i'm gonna cook it on the stovetop   today just because my husband was a little nervous 
since we're using ground elk he's afraid that it   might taste a little gamey or weird if we cook 
it in the instant pot he really wants it to   just simmer on the stove top for a couple of 
hours so i'm gonna get that started first because   i want that to be cooking while i'm prepping 
up the rest the recipes before we get started   i should just really say that i do not feel like 
meal prepping today or cooking up three meals   but i'm hoping that i selected three recipes that 
i know that aren't gonna take very long so i hope   my goal is to be done in the kitchen in an hour 
um probably not cleaned up in an hour but let's   get everything made in about an hour so to make 
this chili i do have to dice up some vegetables   i've already cut up some onions you this is 
something i made from the other day it's some   diced up red onion so i had some left over so you 
will need about a quarter of a diced up red onion   you're also going to need some bell pepper and 
i like to use red bell pepper in my chili just   because it adds some color but you could use green 
or yellow or orange so i'm going to cut up this   and then jalapeno for some spice and whenever 
i dice up jalapeno i do have to use some gloves and some people wonder if bell pepper is 
keto approved it is a little bit higher in   carbohydrates but i think it's fine it's it's 
filled with a lot of fiber it has some really   good nutrients in it too so i think it's a good 
vegetable to add it adds flavor to your meals if   you're really really carb conscious then you could 
omit it but really then you're just having kind of   like meat with some tomato which tomato has carbs 
in it too so i just think you have to get over it and same with onion a lot of people say like 
oh i can't have onion on the keto diet like   get over it like as long as like 
you fit the carbs within your macros   and stain under whatever your target is 
um then i think it's fine so if like your   target is 20 carbs a day or some people do 30 
some people do 40 whatever you can tolerate   and still either feel good or stay in 
ketosis then have at it okay so there's our   bell pepper now let's move on to the jalapeno 
but i have to go find some gloves got him now   if you're somebody that likes spicy food then i 
highly suggest you add maybe two jalapenos or you   could even go with three if you really like spice 
we're just gonna do one jalapeno i do need to   de-seed it so taking a spoon and just carving the 
inside out will help get those seeds that's where   a lot of that heat is you could leave it in if you 
wanted to i'm going to take out the seeds and the ribs now the first thing we're going to do is add in 
some avocado oil to our pot so you want about   like three tablespoons of avocado oil to go in 
there if you don't have avocado oil you could   use butter if you wanted to um so we're gonna 
heat that up i guess i should turn on my burner   and then i'm going to add in 
my elk meat so i defrosted this   a couple days ago in the refrigerator and like 
i said if you guys don't have elk meat which   probably the majority of you guys do not you can 
use ground beef instead ground turkey works ground   chicken ground pork sausage whatever you want to 
use in this recipe you can do found my special   chopper tool if you guys want to know where to 
get these um this is a pampered chef tool but um   i'll have it linked down below i actually found it 
on amazon and um there's other different types of   brands that make it too not just pampered chef but 
a friend was having a party so i had seen this and   had been wanting it so i decided to pick one up 
and i love it mostly because i don't really mind   it but my husband doesn't like super huge chunks 
of ground beef in like his chili or spaghetti   sauce or enchilada sauce anything like that so 
this really helps get it into a fine fine texture crumble so i'm gonna brown my ground elk in 
here um and then once it's browned or   probably once before it gets browned 
i'm gonna add in the vegetables too   and a little bit of seasoning we're going to 
have salt chili powder and cumin and then oregano i think this recipe could very easily be a freezer 
meal too um you could just add everything in there   just even your raw ground beef and all of 
your veggies your it does require a can of   diced tomatoes add that into a freezer safe bag 
and then freeze it and then when you want to go   to make it just put it in your 
slow cooker or your instant pot   even you could cook it on the stove top too 
some of the meat might not have the same   texture but it's still going to work 
it's still going to be easy and delicious now let's add in the rest of our vegetables we just need around two tablespoons of chili 
powder and all of my measuring spoons are   dirty so i'm just going to eyeball it and 
then we're going to need some ground cumin   and i need like a teaspoon and there's hardly 
any left i'm just going to pour the rest of   that in there and i'll have to remember to 
get some more the next time i go the store   and then some oregano it's 
about a teaspoon of this too so we're going to cook this until the vegetables 
i put in there are starting to get kind of soft   and then i'll add the remaining ingredients oh 
and i just realized i forgot to add garlic so   i'm gonna add some garlic paste in uh i'm gonna 
add three teaspoons which would be equivalent to   uh three cloves of garlic i 
think that's three teaspoons this is how i cook i'm sure a lot of you guys 
cook like this next we're going to add in our   can of diced tomatoes and i think it's wise to 
always look on the back of the nutrition label   with whatever you guys are purchasing just because 
you never know when they might have some sugar   in them so i don't know why brands they like to 
hook you with the sugar so they they want to hook   you on their products so they always add excess 
sugars in there so um anyway so you just need a   can of that and then we're gonna stir it and then 
i am going to you know what this looks a little   like it needs a little liquid too so i'm just 
gonna add a half a can of water since i am cooking   this on the stove top and not in the instant 
pot in the instant pot it would be just fine   um but i just i need i need a little liquid to 
go in here chicken broth would be good too or   beef broth if you have that i don't want it to 
be too soupy but i want it to simmer for hours i think a fighter jet just went 
over the house it's exciting   it's very loud oh my goodness it's loud all right now i've brought it to a boil i'm 
gonna cover it we're gonna turn down the heat   let it simmer and for probably about an hour and 
meanwhile i'm going to move on to my other recipes all right next i want to get started on the 
chicken crust pizza now i love this pizza because   it's high in protein so i can ensure that my kids 
are getting a good amount of protein in their   diet and also it's like it's basically zero carb 
because there's no breading like there's no almond   flour no cauliflower in it none of the nut flours 
are in there it's just ground chicken a few blends   of cheese and egg and then i do add some seasoning 
in there so i guess there's a little bit of carbs   from that but you don't have to put that in there 
if you don't want to so to make this you will need   a pound of ground chicken now if you don't have 
ground chicken you could use ground turkey if   you wanted to use that too i think you could even 
use ground beef to me that doesn't really sound   appetizing um i i like to go with something that 
has more of a neutral flavor like the chicken   turkey like i said would be good too you could 
probably even do pork i think pork could be pretty   good in here um so it's a pound of ground chicken 
and then our binder is going to be an egg this is   what's going to hold everything together so you 
will need one egg and then also to hold things   together we're going to add some cheeses and i 
like to do a blend of cheese so i like to add   in a half of a cup of mozzarella cheese and that 
shredded mozzarella cheese and then a quarter cup   of parmesan cheese once again you can experiment 
and just add in whichever kind you want um like   i mentioned i'm gonna add in some seasonings i'm 
gonna add in a little bit of italian seasoning and   then some garlic powder and this is just here for 
some flavor so it's about like a teaspoon of each oh and you do need some salt 
so about a teaspoon of salt okay once that's in there 
now we're going to combine it   you could use your hands if you want or you 
can use a spoon since i know it grosses some   of you guys out when i use my hands i'll 
use a spoon this time just for you guys now i don't know how well this freezes so 
if anybody has tried this recipe before   or one similar and they've frozen it let me know 
because i want to know if it works in theory i   really feel like it would work um but you would 
have to probably freeze it once it's flattened out   and then just if you i would probably make a bunch 
of them too so like double or triple the recipe   and then press it out first and then layer it in 
between sheets of parchment paper and then store   it in a big freezer safe bag like that i think 
that that would work if you're going to try and   meal prep up a bunch of this and freeze some but 
yeah if you guys have done that before let me know   okay now once everything's combined then 
we're gonna press it out onto a parchment   lined baking tray all right so this is 
just gonna go in the center of your tray and again using your hands or a spoon just 
press it out into a circular formation   so that it resembles a pizza and it needs to be 
like maybe around like a half of an inch thick   um i think that's the best way i don't think 
you can be kind of hard to get it any thinner   plus you do kind of want it to have some stability 
so it's not going to make like the largest pizza   um but you know like i said it's higher in protein 
so it's going to be very filling plus with the   cheese and then of course we're going to have 
toppings on this too so a few more cheese and   probably i'm going to do some pepperoni because 
that's the kids favorite favorite type of pizza   so i just need to spread it into an even layer and 
then we're going to bake this in a 405 degree oven all right so that pizza is 
more like an oval but it works   alright so that's going to bake for 
15 minutes in that 450 degree oven   and while that's baking i think i'm gonna 
get started on my egg roll in a bowl because   i think maybe i should be able to finish 
that by the time that pizza crust is ready now before i show you how to make this egg 
roll in a bowl let's just say that it's   a very very popular keto recipe and it's one that 
i kind of had put my own little special twist on   it's a delicious delicious recipe and it's easy 
to make i already made it for you guys before   on this channel so just click up here if you want 
to watch that video and there's lots of different   variations out there but this one is delicious 
and to start the first thing you want to do   is cut up some green onion so i have these are 
actually really big whoops i actually grabbed five   these are pretty big onions so i think i'm just 
gonna use three my recipe does call for four   um but these are pretty thick i think 
it's because i didn't buy the organic ones so we're gonna cut this up you wanna 
separate um the greens from the whites so these are more of the whites here because they're going to cook at separate times 
so the greens don't take that long to cook so   they get added at the end and the white parts 
take longer because they're thicker so they get   added in the beginning so that's pretty much all 
the prep work i have to do for vegetables because   everything else is packaged i do buy pre-sliced 
mushrooms so if you didn't do that then you'll   have to slice those up and then i do use a bag 
of coleslaw in place of just shredding up cabbage   myself now to do if you wanted to save money then 
definitely buy the whole mushrooms and just buy a   head of cabbage and thinly slice it up yourself we 
are going to be using ground pork in this recipe but once again you don't have to use just pork 
if you want to use ground chicken ground turkey   you could even use ground beef you could use 
ground elk i like the flavor of the pork you   could use sausage if you wanted to as well so 
i'm going to be using one pound of ground pork   besides the um whites of the onions i'm also going 
to add some garlic so you'll need three cloves of   minced up garlic and oh that's hot i'm going to 
use the garlic paste i looked for ginger paste at   the store today because i was out of it and they 
didn't have it and i just didn't really feel like   getting an entire ginger root and messing with 
that so i'm just using ginger powder instead   so normally i would want to use two teaspoons of 
freshly grated ginger um so i'm just gonna go with   maybe like three quarters of a teaspoon 
maybe a full teaspoon of the dried stuff still smells good okay so now that my meat looks 
like it's fully cooked and everything's combined   now we're moving on to the next step so next we're going to add 
in our mushrooms and our   cabbage now for the mushrooms i'm just going to 
use a half of a package of this and i'll save   the rest for later on i could probably even 
add it to that chili nobody would even notice i am making a mess because once again tiny pot 
large amount of food okay so while that's kind   of cooking down a little bit i'm gonna move on 
to my sauce so to make the sauce you just need   i think it's four four ingredients you need 
some liquid aminos white vinegar sesame oil   and monk fruit so yeah so the liquid aminos 
that's like the keto person substitute for soy   sauce because soy sauce does have carbs in it so 
we will need a quarter of a cup of liquid aminos   now if you don't have liquid aminos you could just 
use soy sauce you'll be okay you'll survive um   but you do need something for some 
flavor and then you need two tablespoons   of white vinegar and this is 
how my white vinegar comes so   i'm gonna just pour it in here and eyeball 
it and then a tablespoon of sesame seed oil   and then just for a hint of sweetness i'm 
going to add a little bit of monk fruit yeah i have like no measuring spoons right now   so um it just needs to be a teaspoon of 
monk fruit you don't want to go too much   and then we're going to stir that if i 
had a whisk clean then i would use that   but i don't know what happened to my whisk it's 
probably dirty okay so we're gonna pour this on and continue to let everything cook   and then our last step is to add an egg to 
make it more of like that egg roll consistency   so i'm going to let that cook for 
a little bit until it starts to get   the white start to turn white and then 
i'm going to cut it up and scramble it   in the rest of the dish and by the looks of 
things that pizza crust is almost done too   there we go i'm gonna go pull that out of the 
oven and let it just kind of cool a little bit   this egg roll in a bowl is almost 
finished and then we'll finish up that pizza so now the last step to do is just add in 
the rest of our green onions so i'm just going to   throw that on there and kill my burner mix these 
in and what i like to do too is top it with a   little bit of sriracha mayo so just a quarter 
cup of mayonnaise mixed with like a teaspoon   of sriracha sauce and that makes some sriracha 
mayo and then just squeeze that on top or spoon   it on top and it's delicious so that's it i'm 
going to let it cool and i'm going to pack it   away so that we can have it later on this week 
all right that pizza is done actually no it's   not done the crust is done so this is what chicken 
crust looks like chicken chicken pizza crust looks   like um so you do pre-bake it ahead of time 
and then we're going to add on some toppings   and then put it back in the oven just to melt 
the cheese and make it all nice and bubbly on   top um so i'm gonna add some low-carb marinara 
sauce so i'll get my container of rayos out from   yeah rios rios not roused i think i used to 
call it rouse i don't know what i called it so   i'm gonna get that out of the fridge because i had 
some leftover from last week and put that on there   some cheese some pepperoni um i think i might do 
some sliced olives too and put it back in the oven all right this is going to go back into the 
oven we're actually going to broil it this   time because i don't really need to worry about 
baking the crust because that's already baked   i just want the top layer to get cooked 
and have the cheese melt and be bubbly so   we're gonna broil it on high and just keep 
an eye out on it because it depends on your   oven so it's gonna take like around a minute 
two minutes three minutes something like that   all right there's the pizza it's all ready so now 
this is something that you could have like tonight   for dinner which um we probably will because i 
know the kids are going to take one look at this i   want to eat it um but actually it does really well 
in the refrigerator too because i've had it before   as leftovers so this is really something that you 
could prep up um if you didn't really want to like   an idea if you're just like i don't really know 
about cold pizza like this and reheating it what   you could do is you could do two things you could 
prep up your chicken pizza crust like the raw part   flatten it out store it in the refrigerator 
and then the night that you want to make it   um you just finish it up it doesn't take very 
long 15 20 minutes um really this recipe doesn't   take that long anyway so you probably could get 
it done in under 30 minutes on a week night so   you could do that you could also bake up the crust 
like we did and then store it in the refrigerator   and then add your toppings like the night 
you're going to make it add your toppings   and then instead of broiling it well you could 
still probably boil it i just worry if it's   going to get cooked all the way through i would 
probably just put it back in the oven at around   like 350 or 400 and then once my toppings 
are on let it cook and that should help   heat the whole pizza the rest the way through so a 
couple of different options there it just depends   on whether you're super picky eater and you don't 
like to have like cold pizza cold reheated pizza   if you want it more of a fresh tasting pizza 
then maybe go one of those other two routes   all right the next recipe we need to 
revisit is our chili and i think it's   done i just had it simmering over there on the 
actual stove top rather than right in front of me   so let's take a look oh it smells so good though 
you guys could serve this with um my cornbread   recipe my cornless cornbread recipe it's on 
my website i'll have it linked down below   the combination of the two i like to pour my 
chili on top of that cornbread it's excellent well that concludes our recipes for the week i 
hope you guys got some really good ideas on how   you can incorporate some family-friendly keto 
meals into your everyday dinners these recipes   are all delicious they're really popular ones on 
my website i'll have the full recipes listed down   below for you in the description box so make sure 
you check that out don't forget to subscribe to my   channel if you guys want to see some more weekly 
meal prep and weekly keto dinner recipes and hit   the notification bell down below i hope you guys 
have an excellent week we'll see you next time bye

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