Healthy Food Recipes - I cured gestational diabetes with diet | HINDI | WITH ENGLISH SUBTITLES | Debina Decodes |

December 16, 2022

Hello! Hello! Welcome to Debina Decodes:) A lot of you guys wrote to me that exactly what I am eating during my whole pregnancy journey. That I should make a video and document this. So, I will not talk about anything else. Today's straightaway topic is going to be What I am eating to keep myself healthy and fit. Before this, I want to tell you one beautiful thing which is that pregnancy is a beautiful journey At this time people usually say that you should give in to your cravings. That if you get any cravings you should eat, which initially I was eating everything. In the sense, I was everything which was made at home, plus I was eating stuff from outside also Burger, pizza..I was eating such things.

But that gave rise to gestational diabetes. So, the blood test report which I am showing, which I had shown in the previous video also After watching that people said that you should not eat certain things like banana, etc Some people gave me suggestions and some ask me for suggestions. I stopped eating banana obviously after I was tested little more on my sugar level. But the video was a little reversed, so sorry for that. I controlled my diet in a very simple way and you can say that I modified my diet. And now you can see my fresh blood report where you can see that my report is normal Which is amazing! I want to say that anything, like blood test, different diseases which goes up and down like our hormones or blood tests, all that can be fixed. Only with the correct diet. Nowadays, with doctor's advice, whatever I am eating, my diet, I am sharing with you. My day starts with a cup of butter coffee. Whatever happens in the day, my butter coffee has not changed. A lot of people say that one should not drink coffee in pregnancy. Yes, you should not have coffee.

Caffeine should not be consumed. Caffeine is present in chocolates, in a lot of aeriated drinks and in coffee as well. But I have kept my coffee limited to only one cup that too in the morning. So the butter coffee which I drink in the morning, my metabolism is in correct with this And I don't get constipation with this because the first thing which I drink in the morning Which contains a teaspoon of ghee which coats the lining of my stomach and intestine,greasing it That's why I have never had constipation in my entire pregnancy journey. That's one amazing thing, but after this cup of coffee, I don't consume any kind of caffeine throughout the day.

Coming to breakfast. I have one kind of breakfast. Before this also I have shown you in bits and pieces. But I will show you this clearly today My breakfast consists of two whole egg omelettes, with that goes one-fourth avocado If I get any gluten free bread, then I eat one slice of bread If I don't get gluten free bread which you don't get everyday, then I eat a rice cake. I eat one or 2 pieces of rice cake. So simple and I feel that this is a great source of protein.

Egg is a great source of protein. And I feel that everyone should eat eggs because a lot of you question me that Is eating eggs okay? In fact eating eggs would produce heat in my body. There is nothing like this. Doctors advice that you have a great protein intake in your diet. For vegetarians, Mom's Horlicks is suggested, ProteinX,Threptin biscuits which contains protein But I studied them. You know I feel anything that is artificially made Instead of intaking that, if I eat natural form of protein, that will be better. I ate Threptin Biscuits for some days, but Threptin Lite, but I was getting acidity from them So I stopped having that.

Coming to mid-morning snack. That is one apple. Whenever I feel hungry mid morning, and when I feel hungry after having breakfast Because I have breakfast around 8 o' clock in the morning. I feel hungry again at 10 o' clock. Then I eat one apple. Because I am not supposed to have any other fruit. I was craving to have banana. In fact, to have oranges, but all that is not allowed. And I am glad about it. I am not having any problems. I am loving having apples. Apples and pomegranates. My stomach does not get full after eating pomegranate. So I have apples. I'll have pomegranate later, which I will tell you later. Coming to lunch. In lunch, I have been told not to eat rice. I eat rice only sometimes, in very small quantities. But as you can see here, any vegetable that I eat Be it spinach, be it mix veg. I have 200 grams of fish. Today I am having Indian salmon, which we call Rawas. Along with that you can have any salad which you like, cucumber salad or beetroot salad.

You can make it in any way. The recipe of Beetroot salad, I made it after watching Alia Bhatt's channel. And it turned out to be quite good. I liked it a lot. I am eating it and I kind of like it. The more salad you eat, your gut health would be better and you won't have constipation problem Rice is a form of carbs which instantly shoots up our sugar level That is why it is better that we avoid. If you feel that you will fall sick without rice or roti There is nothing like that. Every vegetable contains carbs. These carbs and the carbs of starch even if you don't take it, it fulfills that Protein is needed. You must keep protein in every food. The day on which I eat vegetarian, instead of fish I eat one bowl of dal. Coming to mid-afternoon snack. I eat fruit here also.

Obviously, any of these fruits, either apple or pomegranate. These are the fruits which the doctors have advised me to have. Evening at 5 o'clock, I get very hungry and at that time I used to eat something from outside Sandwich, pizza or burger. I changed that to having bhel. Plain sukha bhel. It's called murmura. In Bengali, it's called moori You can eat it in any way.

I eat it after dry-frying it in kadahi, then it becomes crispy and crunchy You can put onions, cucumber in it. You can eat it like this. Or you can put black pepper in it and toss it properly. Then it will be a little spicy and tasty. You can make your own recipe in any way and eat it. Because murmura after eating reduces in size in stomach, the feeling of eating for a long time it instructs our brain that we have eaten a lot And you won't feel hungry for some time. After that let's move to dinner, which I have little early by 7:30-8, I finish my dinner. And my dinner consists of like soup.

Like you can see, this is like a pumpkin soup on a vegetarian day. Or maybe a veg clear soup. Or maybe a chicken clear soup. Along with that, on days when I am eating non-vegetarian, a piece of fish, which is 200 grams. Or maybe some vegetables which is like properly cooked. On days when I don't eat vegetables, I eat moong dal ka cheela. So this is exactly my breakfast, lunch, dinner, mid-morning, afternoon and evening snacks. I have kept the video very simple for you to understand. Something that has helped me. I am trying to come ahead and help you with that. Because it is not easy to reverse gestational diabetes.

And I have done it myself, And the proof is right in front of you. So I thought if it could help you, I would be extremely glad. If this thing helps you, I will be extremely happy. At this point, I am ending the video. Hope you like, share and subscribe my video. Bye Guys!!! I love you!!!.

Drink this before breakfast, burns 1lb a day

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