Healthy Food Recipes - Eat Chia Seeds In The Morning To Lose Belly Fat | Chia Seeds For Weight Loss

December 07, 2022

chia seeds recipe for weight loss ! If you are looking for healthy recipe to speed up the metabolism. To lose weight fast at home. To get rid of belly fat. To improve digestion. To clean your stomach and intestines naturally. To reduce the bad cholesterol. To lower blood sugar levels. And much more health benefits! This belly fat burning recipe is the best fit for you. It contains simple ingredients, readily available at home. I’ve tried this chia seeds recipe for weight loss, it works amazingly ! The first ingredient in this weight loss recipe is : chia seeds. Chia seeds are among the healthiest foods on the planet.

Chia seeds are loaded with nutrients that have important benefits for your body. Chia seeds are a rich source of calcium, manganese, phosphorus. These minerals are essential to bone strength and preventing osteoporosis. Chia seeds are loaded with antioxidants ( flavonoids and polyphenolic compounds). Antioxidants fight against free radicals. Free radicals contribute to damage cell molecules. To the aging process, and deadly diseases like cancer. Chia seeds are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 reduce inflammation in the body and reduce cholesterol levels. Chia seeds stabilize blood sugar by reducing insulin resistance. Chia seeds contains high amounts of fiber. Chia seeds absorb large amounts of water and expand in the stomach. Chia seeds slows down the absorption of food and keeps you full longer. Which prevents overeating and aids weight loss. The dietary fiber, present in chia seeds supports digestion and gut health.

Chia seeds eliminate liquids and toxins in the body. Chia seeds are a great purifier and cleanser for our bodies. In a bowl, put 2 tsp of chia seeds. Add 1 glass of water. Stir so that the chia seeds do not clump together. Keep stirring for 2 min to allow the chia seeds to swell a little. Leave the chia seeds to soak in the water overnight. After 12 hour a gelatinous layer forms around the chia seeds. In a bowl put the soaked chia seeds. The 2nd ingredient in this weight loss recipe is : Cinnamon. Cinnamon contains large doses of antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties. Cinnamon helps your body fight infections and repair tissue damage. Cinnamon reduces levels of bad cholesterol and triglycerides. While keeping the good cholesterol stable. Cinnamon improve sensitivity to the hormone insulin (reduce insulin resistance). Which reduce blood sugar levels. Insulin is a hormone that transports blood sugar (glucose) from your bloodstream to your cells. Cinnamon prevent fat storage. Cinnamon optimize the manner in which sugar is metabolized by the body. Cinnamon prevents the transformation of the metabolized sugar into fat. Add 1/2 tsp of ground cinnamon. The third ingredient in this weight loss recipe is : Lemon.

Lemons are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants. Vitamin C boosts immunity, enhances iron absorption and increases collagen production. Lemon neutralizes acidity and balances the body’s pH. This is very useful in removing toxins from the body. Lemon promotes the production of digestive enzymes in the liver. Helping to eliminate toxins from the body. Lemon prohibits the formation of kidney stones. By raising the urine’s citrate levels. Citrate binds to calcium. Which helps to dissolve kidney stones. Lemon speeds up the metabolism and promote satiety which induces fast weight loss. Lemon lowers blood pressure and reduces the bad cholesterol. We are going to need the juice of 1/2 lemon. Please hit the like button if you liked the video. Add the juice of 1/2 lemon. The fourth ingredient in this weight loss recipe is: Greek Yogurt. Or you can use low carb and low sugar yogurt.

Greek yogurt is high in protein. Protein supports functions in the body ranging from lean muscle mass to boosting metabolism. Protein helps you stay full for several hours which curbs appetite. Greek yogurt contains probiotics. Providing good bacteria that help foster a healthy gut. Which encourage weight loss and fat loss. Add one 6 oz (170 g) serving of yogurt. Stir, to combine the ingredients. Please hit the like button if you liked the video. The best time to eat this chia seeds recipe for weight loss. 1/2 hour before breakfast, in a daily basis. To get an effective result continue to eat this chia seeds recipe for 2 weeks. Chia seeds are rich in viscous fiber which tends to pull water in our GI tract.

If you increase your fiber intake, be sure you're adding more water into your diet. Kindly don’t forget to subscribe to our channel and turn on the bell for all notifications. We wish you good health and long life..

Drink this before breakfast, burns 1lb a day

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