Healthy Food Recipes - EASY KETO SHEET PAN DINNERS | Spring/Summer Edition

December 19, 2022

you guys know that i'm all about 
simple easy keto dinners well   today i have a really cool video for you we're 
gonna be making some recipes that are perfect   for this time of year when the weather's 
getting warmer it's spring and summer   and you want something quick and easy and 
you want to put it in one pot or in this case   one pan today i'm going to show you some 
amazing keto sheet pan dinner recipes i'm down here at the bottom of my oven i like to 
keep my sheet pans in my warming drawer because   well don't we all so i'm gonna grab one of those 
whiskey's down here too with me so this is what   we're using to make our dinner on this is a sheet 
pan i'm sorry if mine isn't the cleanest looking   but i'm sure that most of your guys look like 
this too and it's surprising you would think that   this thing is humongous that there's no way you're 
gonna have all this extra room like you don't like   this thing fills up fast by by the time you put on 
your protein and your vegetables it fills up fast   uh but you could use a half sheet pan if you 
wanted to use that for these recipes if you're   just cooking for yourself or one other person 
of course i'm going to go over all of the macros   for you guys on each of these recipes plus i'm 
going to give you guys some keto meal prep tips   but before we get started with our first recipe 
i actually want to thank our sponsor first bright   sellers is a monthly wine membership program that 
has sponsored this video it's so great because   they actually pair wines that they think that 
you're going to love just based off of a taste   palette quiz that you take and i'm amazed at 
how well they did when pairing wines for myself   i am a person that loves like a full bodied red 
wine and they did such a good job picking out   wines that i would totally buy and i tried all 
six of them and i love them each one is amazing   and they come with these cards that kind of tell 
you about the wine it tells you what notes to pick   out from them like what fruity notes nutty notes 
spicy notes things like that um it also tells you   what it pairs best with too so different types 
of food but also different types of occasions   like this one it says it's great for social media 
scrolling which i tried this one and it really is   good for social media scrolling i could just 
see myself sipping on this all night long and   scrolling social media i wouldn't do that though 
i limit myself to one glass sometimes two but   there's other ones that say that they're great 
for like family gatherings or weekend dinner   parties and i would agree i would love to share 
these wines with other people so definitely check   them out i'll have all their information listed 
down below in the description box for you but   i wanted to give them a shout out first because 
i want to pair each of these sheet pound dinner   recipes that we're going to make along with one of 
their wines bright cellars is giving our followers   50 off their first six bottle box follow 
the link to take the quiz and get started   the first sheet pan recipe that 
we're gonna make is a roasted chicken   this is gonna be in a buttery garlic 
sauce along with some roasted vegetables we're going to start by making our 
buttery marinade for the chicken   i'm going to be using mayo just because i 
love if you've ever had mayo with chicken   before it's so good it just makes it super juicy 
this is one quarter cup of avocado mayonnaise   you'll also need a quarter cup 
of melted butter and then mix in   three cloves of minced garlic two tablespoons of 
minced parsley two teaspoons of salt a teaspoon of   pepper and a half a teaspoon of onion powder you 
want to stir this together until it's all mixed up   and then let's move on to cutting some of our 
vegetables now the cool thing about making sheet   pan dinners is that really you could just use 
whatever vegetables that you have it's a great way   to use up like leftover veggies that you have 
in your fridge or throw some that are in the   freezer you could sprinkle those on top of your 
sheet pan the ones that i used for my sheet pan   dinner was mushrooms and turnip turnip acts like 
a roasted potato it's super good you could use   another radish too if you wanted to use like a 
daikon radish or purple radish those will work   as well in this recipe and i'm also going to be 
using some broccoli on my sheet pan i've lined   it with foil because i want easy cleanup that's 
the one thing that i love about sheet pan recipes   is that you come home from work throw some stuff 
on your sheet pan pop it in the oven and then you   can do whatever you want for like a half hour 40 
minutes maybe unwind watch some tv play with the   dog play with the kids do some housework have 
a glass of wine and then when it's done cooking   then dinner's ready everything's all done from 
your vegetables to your protein everybody eats   and then cleanup is a breeze because hopefully 
you cooked it on some foil you scrunch up that   foil and you toss it in the trash and clean up is 
done so onto our rimmed foil lime pan i'm going to   lay down some chicken legs now this recipe if you 
don't have chicken legs you can use chicken thighs   chicken tenders chicken breast whatever type 
of chicken you want to use you can do it for   this recipe so i lay down those first and then i'm 
going to put down my cut up vegetables so i have   some mushrooms that i've quartered those turnips 
that i diced and then some broccoli florets   now comes the part we sauced this i'm just going 
to brush over my sauce all over really paying   attention to the chicken i'm going to put that 
on there but i'm also going to put some on the   vegetables as well make sure you get both sides of 
your chicken if you wanted to you could actually   marinate your chicken in this sauce like either 
overnight or in the morning when you're going to   work that also works adds a little bit more flavor 
to it you could even add a little bit more salt   to your chicken um just because there isn't 
there's two teaspoons but if you're afraid   that it's not going to be as salty as you'd like 
you could add a little bit more and then we're   going to bake this in the oven this goes in a 
400 degree oven and it's going to take around   50 minutes to cook maybe an hour just kind of 
depends on what kind of chicken you're cooking now this dinner i paired with the humdrum 
wine this is a full body red wine it's a   cabernet sauvignon and it says it was good 
for friday nights in and that's what we're   doing for this recipe this is more of a quick 
dinner a friday night dinner for everybody   and this is what i'm gonna drink with it up next we're going to be making a keto chicken 
teriyaki with some vegetables on our sheet pan   i'm gonna be using chicken tenders for this 
recipe but you can use chicken thighs if you want   i actually recommend the thighs over the tenders 
just because chicken thigh meat tends to have a   little bit more fat content in it compared to 
a chicken breast or white meat like tenders but   that was all i had on hand with chicken tenders 
so that's why i'm using it now i'm gonna start   by making up my teriyaki sauce first this is a 
keto teriyaki sauce it's super simple to make   you want to add a three quarter cups of soy 
sauce to a bowl i'm using gluten-free soy sauce   you don't have to use soy sauce if you don't want 
because yes soy sauce does have carbs so if you're   trying to go as low as carb as possible you can 
just use liquid aminos if you wanted you also want   to add in two tablespoons of golden sweetener i'm 
using a golden monk fruit sweetener but you could   use whatever golden sweetener is out there i have 
one clove of minced garlic along with a half a   teaspoon of grated ginger you could substitute 
with powdered ginger here too then you'll also   need two tablespoons of avocado oil a tablespoon 
of apple cider vinegar and a teaspoon of tomato   paste i like to add the tomato paste because i 
think it just adds a little bit of extra flavor   fish sauce works as a substitute too if you 
don't have tomato paste on hand and then as   a thickener because i want to thicken up this 
sauce as it cooks i'm going to be adding in a   half of a teaspoon of air root powder i like using 
arrowroot powder as my thickener because it has   seven times the ability to thicken compared to 
regular flour it's gluten free it works better   than xanthan gum because xanthan gum can make 
your dish a little slimy if you add it as a   thickener this one doesn't make it slimy at all 
so you just have to add a little tiny amount   we're going to whisk this together and then i'm 
going to put this in a ziploc bag with my chicken   tenders and i'm going to pour the sauce in there 
and let my chicken tenders marinate for a little   bit you don't have to marinate them at all if 
you want to add the sauce just straight away   onto your sheet pan put it in the oven you could i 
think marinating it just really helps that chicken   soak up some of that teriyaki flavor so that's 
why i like to marinate it it's best if you do this   first thing in the morning and then when you get 
home from work lay everything out on your sheet   pan and bake it for the vegetables i'm going to 
be using some cut up orange bell pepper you could   use whatever color bell pepper you want as well 
as some broccoli and then some more mushrooms   another vegetable idea that you could use would 
be like asparagus would be good or green beans red   onion those would also be perfect in this recipe 
you want to pour all of your sauce on top of your   chicken and vegetables don't worry about like 
the raw chicken thing in the sauce because it's   all going to get baked everything is going to get 
killed you don't have to worry about any sort of   food-borne pathogen here we're going to bake this 
in a 375 degree oven for around 17 to 20 minutes i like to serve my keto chicken 
teriyaki over cauliflower rice   you could also lay down a bed of 
green lettuce and put it on top   of that and have a chicken teriyaki 
salad that would be delicious as well now this dinner i am pairing with the cactus 
park it's a red blend wine and it says that it   has notes of cherry and it totally does i totally 
smell the cherry and i think it's like blackberry   too yeah it's really good and it really pairs well 
with this i chose this one because the card said   that it's great for grilled vegetable skewers 
so these aren't really grilled vegetable skewers   but it's something that would be in a grilled 
vegetable skewer so that's why i chose this   wine and i think it's excellent with it our next 
keto sheet pan dinner that's perfect for spring or   summer is the one that i got from my mom actually 
she got it from a costco magazine so i kind of   took it and made it more keto friendly and just 
changed up a few little things but really the   inspiration came from a costco magazine this is 
going to be a bacon and brussels sheet pan dinner   now i should preface because this dinner isn't 
just kind of like a throw it in the sheet pan and   you're done sort of thing it's a throat in the 
sheet pan cook it for 10 minutes add some more   things cook it a little bit longer sort of meal 
but it's so worth it this is so delicious this   works as like a side salad too if you wanted to 
have like a side of some roasted vegetables along   with something else but you could just have it as 
a meal as well because it does have protein from   the bacon and lots of vegetables and fat from the 
sauce i'm going to be using one pack of bacon so   this is about 12 slices of bacon i'm gonna cook 
it in the air fryer first you want to use cooked   bacon so whatever way you want to cook your bacon 
is fine i love the airfryer because it's easy   cleanup is simple but you could do it in the oven 
or skillet too if you if that's easier for you so   cook your bacon basically while our bacon is 
cooking we're going to move on to making the   sauce for this dish for the sauce i'm going to 
add in a quarter cup of balsamic vinegar now   balsamic vinegar does have carbohydrates in it try 
and find one that has the lowest amount of carbs   if you don't want to use balsamic vinegar 
you could try a different kind of vinegar   like the original recipe asked for champagne 
vinegar which i didn't have i love the flavor   of balsamic vinegar in this dish you could try 
apple cider vinegar if you wanted maybe even a   red wine vinegar would be good here you'll also 
need a quarter cup of olive oil two tablespoons of   dijon mustard a teaspoon of salt a half a teaspoon 
of pepper and then for a little bit of sweetness   i'm going to add in a teaspoon of sugar-free maple 
syrup you want to whisk this together and set it   aside you want the flavors just to kind of meld 
together as we work on the rest of the recipe once   your bacon is cooked you want to set it aside 
to cool and then you're going to crumble it up   now save that leftover baking grease because we're 
going to use that to coat our brussels sprouts so   toss your halved brussels sprouts into some bacon 
grease and then lay that down onto your sheet pan   and we're going to roast this at 400 degrees for 
10 minutes next we're going to take that out of   the oven and i'm going to add to those roasted 
brussels sprouts some chopped up asparagus and   some frozen green beans spread that out onto 
your sheet pan pop it back into the oven and   cook it for another 10 minutes now that all 
of your vegetables are roasted we're gonna   assemble this so we're also gonna add in 
our crumbled bacon a third cup of walnuts   and then just drizzle that sauce 
all over and give it a good toss now another option is that you guys could add 
some cooked chicken to this like if you had a   rotisserie chicken just shred some up and put it 
in this dish as well be so good with that sauce for this bacon and brussels sheet pan dinner i'm 
going to be pairing it with the silverscape wine   this one it's a full body red wine it says it is 
great for family gatherings and i like to serve   this dish um as like a side dish like i said it's 
great for like a spring and summer potluck and   this wine would pair excellent with it for our 
next keto sheet pan dinner recipe we're gonna   be making up some roasted shrimp and i thought 
we would cover it with a cilantro lime sauce   let's start by making up our sauce you're 
gonna need a quarter cup of lime juice   three tablespoons of avocado oil a teaspoon of 
ground cumin a teaspoon of lime zest and then   you also need a teaspoon and a half of grated 
ginger along with one clove of minced garlic   and then for a little bit of heat i like to add 
in a pinch of red pepper you could omit this step   if you don't want it spicy whisk that together 
and then we're going to lay out our sheet pan   so i have about a pound and a half of shrimp on 
here and then for our vegetables we're going to   be using bell pepper cherry tomato and asparagus 
and that cherry tomato i'm also going to add in   a few cloves of whole garlic in there i'm going to 
just separate these out just because sometimes the   shrimp can cook a little bit longer and depending 
on the type of meal that you're going for if you   want to have those tomatoes burst after you remove 
the shrimp you can put the tomatoes back in there   and roast them a little bit longer we're gonna be 
covering our shrimp and our vegetables with this   cilantro lime sauce i mean i know there's no 
cilantro in it yet we're gonna add it at the end   but just pour that over and make 
sure everything gets evenly coated   i'm going to salt the shrimp a little bit just to 
add a little bit of flavor to that it's going to   go in a 400 degree oven to roast once it's done 
you can just mix everything together and serve   it just like this i actually like to serve mine 
over some lettuce some kale and green leaf lettuce   a little bit of radish in there too and 
then i like to make up some more of that   lime vinaigrette dressing and then pour that 
on top don't forget the cilantro that's the   finishing touch to this dish and now the wine that 
we're going to pair this with this one is called   aqua forte it is a medium bodied wine and it 
says it's great for social media scrolling   so this is like a total meal that you could 
just have on your own if you want something   light and healthy and you want to scroll some 
social media this is going to be your recipe   there you have it those are our four easy keto 
sheep hand in our recipes that are perfect for   the warmer weather make sure you guys comment 
down below if there's another recipe that   you think would be great for this time of 
year just so that we could all benefit from that

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