pumpkin spice season is here and i'm going to show
you guys how to make one of my favorite recipes which is keto pumpkin bread this recipe is so easy
everything is mixed together in a blender it's going to surprise you how simple it is to make
this before i start making this keto pumpkin bread i want to make some coffee this is my favorite
time of day when i get to enjoy my cup of coffee and i never have to get stuck in a coffee rut
again thanks to our sponsor of today's video which is trade coffee trade connects you with
the best coffee from the nation's top roasters and delivers them right to your door it's so easy
to find different types of coffee that i'm going to enjoy because they match it based off of my
taste preference all you have to do is take the quiz and answer questions about how you like your
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have and trade will curate matches just for you next it's delivered right to your door you get
to choose your delivery frequency and it appears at your doorstep at the peak of freshness then
all you do is rate your matches so trade can continue to send you coffees that you're gonna
love i loved my selections the one i'm trying today is by verve coffee roasters if you guys
are interested in trying trade coffee all you have to do is take the quiz by clicking on my
link in the description box and my viewers are going to get their first bag free when you sign up
free shipping is also included now on to our keto pumpkin bread in the blender we're going to start
by adding eight ounces of softened cream cheese a quarter cup of pumpkin puree make sure it's
100 pumpkin puree don't get the pumpkin pie filling because it has sugar in it you're also
going to add in four tablespoons of melted butter three quarter cups of golden monk fruit sweetener
then crack in four eggs and i promise you this does not taste eggy at all that cream cheese
helps to cut down on any sort of eggy flavor next we're going to add in
1 3 cup of coconut flour 2 teaspoons of baking powder and then a
half a teaspoon of cinnamon and a half a teaspoon of pumpkin pie spice we're going
to blend that together until it's smooth for my loaf pans i'm going to be using this really
cute one that i got for autumn i'll have it listed down below for you guys but you do want to spray
your loaf pan with some cooking spray so the bread doesn't stick to the sides next we're going
to pour our batter into each little mini loaf and then we're going to bake it at 350 degrees
for 30 to 40 minutes or until they're set let them cool about five minutes or so before
removing them from your baking pan and they are ready to enjoy this keto pumpkin bread
is perfect with your morning coffee and thank you trade coffee for sponsoring this video
click on that link down in the description box you