Healthy Food Recipes - 900 Calorie Egg Diet By Versatile Vicky | 900 Calories Boiled Egg Diet/ Meal Plan

December 14, 2022

hi guys as promised I'm going to share the meal 
plan to help you lose 10 kilos in ten days does   it seems impossible well it isn't if you follow 
this time plan achieving a healthy weight is all   about striking the right balance between the 
energy that you put in and the energy that   you use and you can do this by making healthy 
changes to your eating habits this 900 calorie   meal plan is a very low calorie diet which 
will facilitate quick weight loss in most a   healthy active adults it is tried and tested by 
me and is by far the most effective low cost and   the easiest way class meal plan ever with the 
simplest of ingredients which are eggs apples   oats and green tea this plan was also followed 
by a few of my family members and friends and   the results were splendid irrespective of 
different body types age sex and genes so   let me reveal this magical meal plan to 
you well start your day with a breakfast   which will include a three boiled eggs and a 
cup of warm green tea hot boiled eggs make a   quick snack provide good fats and a high in 
protein green tea is the healthiest beverage   on the planet it is loaded with antioxidants 
and various substances that help you lose fat in the lunch I have three boiled eggs an apple 
and a cup of green tea apples are high in fiber   and add a natural fat blocker you can have any 
variant of apple you like in the evening have   a cup of green tea with an apple in the night 
to have a cup of green tea at least one hour   before the bedtime for dinner have a bowl of 
oats you can add fruits nuts or flax seeds for   better results and taste avoid apricots 
and raisins oats keep you satisfied and   decreases cholesterol levels and waist size 
if you feel the need to have in between the   meals then you can only have carrots cucumbers 
or sprouts do not skip your meals and strictly   follow the schedule reduce the intake of excess 
salt and sugar in Dungeon some mild exercise or   a 15 minutes fast walk you can take the video 
now to make green tea and oats in my channel   and I will also pose the length in the end of 
the video for your reference if you are on my   Flat Belly Diet drink course then continue 
having it eggs apples oats and green tea   will fulfill the daily nutritional requirement 
and you will not feel weak at all in fact you   will be all the more active and at your best 
also as X cannot be replaced in this meal plan   I will come up with a vague indict plan soon so 
don't forget to subscribe follow this diet plan   has explained with a positive attitude and you're 
bound to get light on your feet and will be able   to post your before and after pictures without 
being photoshopped so follow and fly the bye

Drink this before breakfast, burns 1lb a day

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