Healthy Food Recipes - 7 ദിവസം കൊണ്ട് വയറു കുറക്കാൻ 2 ഡ്രിങ്ക്സ്/ Belly Fat Reducing Magic Drinks/ Weightloss Drinks

December 04, 2022

Hello! Welcome back to Ayesha's Kitchen! Today I am here with a tip that many of you have requested for I am here with two drinks recipe that helps to reduce belly fat We can see the results within 7 days All of you must try this Watch the video completely If you haven't subscribed to Ayesha's kitchen yet and loves the channel, please subscribe to the channel Press the red subscribe button and the bell icon Press the All option I am sharing two recipes here I had shared the recipe of one of these two drinks in our channel, two years ago But I forgot to share some details When we try these drinks, we have to control our diet We won't lose belly fat by drinking these alone We should control our diet and have the food at the right time If you want to reduce belly fat, you should drink lots of water Avoid having fried foods and junk foods Reduce the sugar intake We should try these drinks along with that First, I am sharing lemon ginger drink This will help a lot in reducing belly fat We can see the results within 7 days I have taken one small piece of lemon I am showing the preparation of one glass of drink Take one small piece We should prepare this drink at night and drink it on an empty stomach in the morning I am preparing this at night I have squeezed the lemon to get some of its juice Squeeze only some juice out of it.

There should be some juice left in the lemon. Cut the lemon into four pieces We only need a small piece of a lemon We have to boil this Pour 1.25 cups of water to a pan We need 1.25 cups of water to prepare 1 cup of drink I am pouring an extra 1/4 cup to get exactly 1cup for drinking We have to drink 1 cup of it on an empty stomach Prepare this and keep it closed overnight. Then drink it the next morning. I will tell you how to do that Add the squeezed lemon to the water I have kept the juice aside If you want, you can refrigerate it. We need it the next morning. Next, we need ginger to this drink Peel the ginger and take one small piece like this Don't take lots of ginger. Then we will be unable to drink it. So take a small piece. Either cut into small pieces or grate it.

I am cutting it into small pieces. All drinks of ginger and lemon combination will help for weight loss Such drinks will also increase our immunity This combination is also good to keep us fit I have added the small piece of ginger I am adding a small piece of cinnamon Cinnamon also helps in weight loss But some people don't like its taste Then don't add it It is better if you add one small piece There are duplicate cinnamons in the market. So take care while buying cinnamon. Add these and boil them Boil them for 2 minutes You have to drink both the drinks I am sharing on an empty stomach When we drink warm lemon juice, we won't feel hunger Then we will reduce the food intake This will help us to lose weight The lemon juice will also help to flush out the toxins in our body So there are lots of benefits to drinking this on an empty stomach Boil this for 2 minutes the night before Then we will be drinking this after 5-6 hours All of these will have seeped into the water by then Then we have to warm this before drinking I will show this later We can move to the second drink The second drink is cumin water drink I had shared this drink recipe two years ago Many of you had tried this drink I am sharing it again to make some clarifications I am boiling 1.25 cups of water We are pouring an extra 1/4 cup to get exact 1 cup of drink Add 1 tsp of cumin seeds Cumin seeds will also help to remove toxins Cumin seeds is the best to bur fat I am adding a small piece of cinnamon If you want, you can add it.

Else don't. I hadn't added it in the last time Boil it for 1-2 minutes As I told you, cumin seeds will help to burn fat Eating or drinking it will help to burn fat Thus we can reduce belly fat We eat cumin seeds after food to aid digestion When digestion happens quickly, a lot of fat is burnt Our fat will be burned in the process So this drink will help to reduce belly fat and aids in weight loss There are many benefits when we drink this on an empty stomach As I told you earlier, it helps to remove toxins The drink is boiling We are drinking this in the morning. We are boiling this at night. All the benefits of cumin seeds will seep into the water Boil it for 2 minutes. It will become yellowish. Remove the flame and keep it aside If you are taking any medicines, please don't try these drinks You should consult your doctor before trying these Pregnant ladies and feeding mothers should not try these Do not try this until the baby is one year old I am trying these now If the baby is older than one year and is having other food items, try this It will be better not to try this while the baby is having breastmilk only It is better not to give this to small kids I hadn't shared these in the previous recipe of this drink Many people had asked those in the comments This can be tried by ordinary people to reduce their belly fat Others should consult their doctors before trying this You should select one of these two drinks You can continuously drink that You will surely have the results if you drink this for 2 weeks You can understand the change within 1 week If you have bigger bellies, it will take more time I hope you will understand that I boiled these the night before I am doing the rest in the morning I will show you how to drink this in the morning It will be cool now Lightly warm them Don't boil them Warm it to make it drinkable Sieve it before drinking We have to add some more ingredients to it Sieve it first I am sieving the lemon and ginger drink We should drink these in the morning even before drinking water We should drink this in an empty stomach We should not drink it after tea.

Many had asked it in the previous video. We should drink this in an empty stomach Add 1/4 tsp of honey to this drink Add 1/4 tsp of the lemon juice we squeezed earlier Mix them with the water This is tasty. It is not very hard to drink this. We should drink one glass of this on an empty stomach. This much of it is left. Try to drink this daily You will get the results if you drink for 2 weeks As I told you, we have to make some control in our diet too Always have food at the right time Have breakfast at the right time. Have lunch around 1-2 pm. I had tried this drink to reduce belly fat a long time ago I had joined a fitness program then The name of the online fitness program was Fitreat couple It was very good There were very good changes. But my food control went wrong after that. I got a belly once again If you are following any diet, drink this and there will be very good changes I will show you how to drink the cumin seeds water Warm the drink in the morning.

We had boiled it the previous night. Warm it lightly to make it drinkable Sieve it The steps are same You can choose one of them. Don't try both of them. I have sieved it Add some lemon juice and honey to a glass Mix them in the water I am sharing this in detail to clear all the doubts I hadn't explained in detail in the previous video and there were so many doubts Both these drinks will give good results Try these and share your results with me I started this a few days ago The main issue is our food intake We have to control our food while drinking this The cumin seed water and lemon-ginger water is good to reduce belly fat Both the drinks are great Try any one of them You should try it for at least two weeks Let me know your feedback in the comment box See you soon with another video or vlog!
Bye! Thank you!

Drink this before breakfast, burns 1lb a day

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