Healthy Food Recipes - 2-MINUTE CHOCOLATE + VANILLA MUG CAKE RECIPES | gluten-free, keto and paleo

December 18, 2022

hello my friends it's Dani and today
I'm gonna show you how to make two minute mug cakes in the microwave I'm
gonna show you how to make a rich and delicious chocolate mud cake and then
I'm gonna show you a delightfully and delicious vanilla myq mmm now both of
these a mud cakes are green and gluten-free and they are also 100%
dairy-free as well now if you're not familiar with the mug cakes it's simply
a single serving of cake made in a mug in the microwave they're really quick
and simple to make and it's a really fun way to enjoy a high-quality homemade
sweet treat without having to rely on something pre-made from the grocery
store and or without having to make an entire cake and yes this can also be
done with cookies and brownies so if you are interested in either of those be
sure to let me know down in the comment section below but in the meantime let's
make some mug cakes so the first thing I want to address are all of my vegan
friends I try to make these mug cakes with a Chia egg and it did not work so
unfortunately I do not have a vegan option for this recipe but I am so
curious if any of you come up with a solution or something that works please
share it down in the comments below because I know a lot of people are gonna
be curious about that so thank you okay now I am using an 8 ounce mug for this
you can really use any mug that you have in the house you just don't want to go
smaller than 8 ounces otherwise the mug cake is gonna spill over when it's
cooking so I just start by greasing my mug with a little bit of coconut oil you
could also do this with butter or a little bit of cooking spray just
something to make sure that the cake doesn't stick to the muck now you could
absolutely make the cake right in the mug but for me it gets a little bit
messy so I prefer to use these spouted glass cups to mix the ingredients and
then we'll transfer it into the mug so for the chocolate mug cake I'm gonna
start with 3 tablespoons of almond flour this is a superfine almond flour two
tablespoons of cacao powder you could also do a cocoa powder here 2
tablespoons of monk fruit or any granulated sugar that you prefer or that
you have on hand they would all work one egg a tablespoon of coconut
oil a half a teaspoon of vanilla extract 1/4 teaspoon of baking powder and just a
pinch of salt I'm gonna use a fork to stir this all together to get all the
ingredients mixed until I have a nice thick cake batter just like this then
I'm gonna transfer it into the prepared mug and then I like to add just a few
chocolate chips over the top obviously optional but highly recommended from
here I pop it into the microwave for one minute and all microwaves do vary so
you're gonna want to keep an eye on it and play with it a bit you might need a
little more or a little less time you're gonna see that as it cooks the cake
starts to rise up out of the mug and then it settles back down a little bit
and you're gonna know that it's done because it's gonna be set on the top
you're not gonna see any wet spots and it'll be a little bit springy just
literally like a fresh-baked cake from here you just want to let it cool until
it is edible don't want to burn your tongue and then what you can do is you
can enjoy it just the way it is or you can make it extra special by topping it
with a little bit of fresh whipped cream and or Greek yogurt and some fresh
berries this is so to die for I cannot wait for y'all to taste it in just a
side note not only is this a great way to curb a sweet tooth and make a little
sweet treat for yourself but you could also double or triple or quadruple the
recipe and serve it as a dessert for your entire family or even for a dinner
party it's a really fun and it really isn't that delicious ok so now that
we've got the basic system down let's go ahead and make the vanilla mud cake now
just like any vanilla cake you can get the job done using vanilla extract that
will completely work if you have that use that but if you want to make this
even extra try to get your hands on some fresh vanilla beans just like this the
thing with a fresh vanilla bean is that it's rather pricey but a lot of stores
like I got this one at Whole Foods will sell just one bean for people like
you and I who don't need a whole bunch right you might just need it for a
little recipe like a vanilla mud cake so this cost about $5
still crazy but I am telling you so insanely delicious what you're gonna do
is you're just gonna cut the bean in half split it down the middle and then
use the back of your knife to scrape the little beans out of the pot and these
little vanilla beans that's like what you see when you're eating vanilla ice
cream and it has the little beans throughout that's what these little
beauties are right here and the flavor is so so beyond vanilla extract if you
can find it do it okay so into my spouted cup goes four tablespoons of
almond flour again I'm using the extra fine almond flour two tablespoons of
monk fruit or any granulated sugar that you prefer or that you have on hand they
would all work one teaspoon of coconut oil then I have just the littlest bit of
those vanilla beans it's like just enough to fit on your fingertip or you
could do a half a teaspoon of vanilla extract 1 egg 1/4 teaspoon of baking
powder and a pinch of salt I'm gonna mix that all together get it really well
incorporated I've got a nice beautiful batter and then I'll transfer that into
a prepared muck now I'm gonna let this be purely vanilla but a few chocolate
chips on this cake would be rather delicious as well if that's something
that you're in the mood for pop that in the microwave let it cook for about a
minute when it's set over the top no wet spots and nice and springy your cake is
ready to go so again give it a few minutes to cool enjoy it just the way it
is or top with a little fresh whipped cream and some fresh raspberries mmm so
simple so web these mud cakes are moist and light and everything I want a piece
of cake to be including very very easy to make so naturally I am super excited
for you to give these a try they would be a beautiful option to make today for
your Valentine or for yourself any day of the year and when you do please take
a moment to snap a picture and tag me on instagram and on facebook so i can see
all of the clean and deliciousness you're whipping up in your very own
kitchens and if you haven't already please take a moment to subscribe like
and share this video with anybody else you know who wants to make healthy
eating easy thanks so much for watching i'm danny
fees and I'll see you back here next time with some more clean and
deliciousness Cheers mmm so good you

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