Healthy Food Recipes - 2 Meals a Day Diet | A Beginner’s Guide to Intermittent Fasting

December 29, 2022

To fast or not to fast? That is the question! Fasting may seem like a pretty scary way to go
for losing weight. So, I'm here to brush your worries away and tell you about the benefits
of different fasting methods. Today on a plate,
we have two-meals-a-day diet. I get loads of questions about this
specific way of fasting because I'm the guy who is interested in pretty much
everything that revolves around health. So, I decided to make this video that will hopefully help answer
all of your questions. The main point of the two meals a day diet is that you eat just... Two meals a day. When to eat absolutely depends on you. You can either eat breakfast and
lunch, or skip breakfast and go straight to lunch and dinner. For the rest of the time, which is 16 hours, you fast. Just remember one super important detail. Our digestive system takes 3-4
hours to digest the food completely.

So, the ideal gap between your breakfast-lunch, and lunch-dinner should
not be more than 4 hours. Cutting out breakfast may be easier
for you if you don't normally eat it, but for others, well,
this can be really hard. Here's my tip: try to put off
breakfast for as long as you can. Maybe you normally eat at 7 AM see if you can go until 9 AM and then
11 AM. Eventually, you can make it until 12 PM when
it's already lunchtime. Yes, it will be frustrating at first, but just listen to your body and choose
the best way that fits for you. You may ask how eating so little and fasting for so long
can be beneficial for you. And here's where it gets interesting. First of all, yes, you can survive
eating just two meals a day.

Actually, some people say that after choosing this fasting method, they actually thrive. You see, you can retrain your
body to become "fat adapted." It means you start burning your fat for energy rather than being
dependent on sugars from food. Probably you noticed that after eating
something, you feel a little tired. That's because your body is giving
all of its energy to digest the food. When you're constantly eating,
your energy is constantly being used up, leaving you feeling drained
for no good reason. When you fast, you give your body
a break from constantly digesting food. For me, this is where the power
of intermittent fasting lies. You begin to understand
what hunger actually is. It is something that occurs every 16
to 24 hours, not every 4 hours. With the two meals a day diet,
you can get loads of health benefits. These include weight loss, muscle preservation, reduced
cholesterol and blood pressure.

Even your energy will level up! It may be difficult at the very start
to stick to your schedule, but eventually your body will adapt
and will stop feeling deprived. Obviously, the health benefits of eating two meals a day depend
on what you're eating during those two meals. You won't see health benefits from eating nutrient-poor or high
caloric meals twice a day. So, you still have to pay attention to what you are eating for each meal.

If you want
to lose weight by eating twice a day, It's important, it's SO important to make sure you are still getting plenty of nutrients
throughout those well-balanced meals! If you still doubt the two meals a day method is good for you, let me say: health benefits of fasting are even scientifically recognized! Once I read that researchers in Prague fed 2 groups of 27 people the same calorie diet spread over 2 or 6 meals. They noticed that the volunteers who ate
two meals a day lost more weight than those who ate 6.

And their blood sugar dropped! One of the lead researchers said that the patients were really afraid
they would get hungry in the evening. But feelings of hunger were lower as the patients ate until they were satisfied. But when they ate 6 times a day, the meals weren't leaving
them feeling satisfied. That's quite impressive, isn't it? Now listen, it's super important,
and that's what I suggest to everyone.

Before you begin the two meals a day diet or whatever diet,
ask advice from your doctor. This diet probably won't be a good fit
for you if you exercise often, are underweight or struggling with some
serious medical conditions. Always remember that you are
responsible for your own health. So make sure you won't cross the line. If you want to make fasting easier
by simply choosing the right drinks, watch “TOP 6 Drinks That Make Your Fasting EASIER." You can also find out more about
other fasting methods in the video “Fasting for Weight Loss: Choosing Between 18:6 vs. 16:8." Don't forget to hit like
and subscribe to Health Insider. Stay safe.
See you next time..

Drink this before breakfast, burns 1lb a day

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