Healthy Food Recipes - #1 Absolute Lion Diet Meal Plan

December 15, 2022

i only ate beef for seven days hey carnivores it's rena the five minute body 
and yes this might sound really extreme but i was   shocked with what happened in just seven days so 
let's get into this challenge day one of the beef   only challenge and i don't know about you but i 
love those videos where they track everything so   blood test scale weight appearance changes in body 
composition so that's what i'm doing for you guys   so starting off this is day one this is how 
i am looking um so i look okay i don't know   if you would call this abs in case you don't 
know i am 40 next year i am 172 centimeters   and let's go track my weight 55.6 on day one oh 
what no that's not right it's 55.6 don't worry   that was because of the camera okay hey guys 
i am starting off my day with ground beef now   this is a super easy budget option especially 
if you're doing carnival if you're doing hyper   carnival so beef only there are so many ways to 
make ground beef so let me show you i have this   ground beef from butcher crowd so butcher crowd 
they provide grass-fed beef so as you know with   grass-fed beef there is more nutrients there is 
more cla there's vitamin e and more omega-3s so   if it's in your budget why not try some grass-fed 
beef hi so can you see what i have here i have   beef so this is grass-fed beef from butcher crowd 
there's 15 off in the description if you want to   um claim that if you're in australia so i've 
got one kilo of beef here and i have salt so   i'm going to put this in here lots of salt and 
i'm going to make let's do beef meatballs today salt away that is done let's make some meatballs 
right now i am just prepping the meatballs to   have later so that's what i do that's a pro tip 
if you have any meat make a bunch of it whether   it's a kilo or so put it in the fridge and you 
can have it later when you want and look at me   dancing i realize my outfit is not matching 
but that's okay meatballs are done i'm gonna   pop these in the fridge right now it's time for 
my first meal of the day and it is 1 30.

I have   beef meatballs i'm going to put that into 
the airfryer and that's my first meal oh yummy look at that juice i might have eaten too much hey guys i just 
want to share and be real what i'm going through   so i am doing day two of the beef only challenge 
i'm feeling good the beef is delicious so i'm   just having grass-fed beef and that's all 
good i am feeling this feeling of a little   bit of restriction um i have been carnivore for 
the last six months and i've been doing really   well so i just eat salmon beef eggs um lots of 
butter but right now i'm just feeling i want   some eggs i just want some butter so there is a 
bit of sense of restriction but i'm gonna stick   with it i just want to share this with you just in 
case i don't know somebody else might be feeling   the same way but i'm sticking with it so let's see 
how we go i thought i would do a four day check-in   but first what am i wearing today i'm wearing a 
white tee from kukai if you're in australia cooker   has the best basic teas the best basic tops then i 
have some bike shorts here this is from by johnny   and victoria secret slippers love these so i am 
feeling a little bit more leaner and it's only   day four i did say a few days ago or yesterday 
that i was feeling not quite great i do think that   i was a bit sleep deprived so and i was feeling a 
bit stressed so i think that when you are doing a   beef only challenge when you're doing any new diet 
just make sure that you're not feeling that stress   make sure that you're calm your brain is operating 
okay not as crazy as i was yesterday but today i'm   feeling good so guys i mentioned stress especially 
when you're starting a new diet a new protocol   a new lifestyle i wanted to elaborate more about 
stress and why it's important to actually reduce   it when you are starting something new or you 
have something different happening in your life   now guys especially when you're starting a new 
diet it is beef only if it's carnivore whatever it   is if you're trying to get healthier or anything 
else in your life it's important to do two things   first of all you want to have enough sleep and you 
also want to try to control stress now that was a   reason why i think that yesterday i was feeling 
a bit down because i was feeling a bit sleep   deprived but also i was feeling a bit stressed 
now within my five minute body program i do have   a technique which is called box breathing and for 
those that don't know box breathing is slow deep   breathing and what it does is it scientifically 
proven to lower your sympathetic nervous system   which is going to lower your fight or flight 
response and help you feel better today we are   still doing ground beef but i made burger patties 
so in the air fry she goes and in my mouth it goes look at that juiciness out of the air fryer hmm look at that juice yum hey guys i am going to 
korean barbecue so i'm going to show you guys   how to eat beef only even carnival at the korean 
bbq it's in sydney city so hopefully they have   some delicious options this is my outfit of the 
day i am wearing a little dress from by johnny   i have my ysl bag some cute espadrilles let's 
go okay update for you guys um so i am now   five days into the beef only challenge um 
i'm feeling good but i'm having some major   cravings and i'm just curious around weight loss 
how much weight i've lost if i've lost any weight   if you guys don't know i am 40 so and i'm pretty 
lean so i'm not actually doing this um to lose   weight i'm actually doing this because my dad he 
has what's called frontal temporal dementia so i'm   doing it for brain health and i'm just trying to 
see if just doing beef only makes any difference   um because i've been feeling amazing on carnival 
so let's see what we can get at korean barbecue today i am making meatloaf ground beef meatloaf 
so you can see look at the time it is literally   quarter to four and i haven't eaten yet 
but that's okay so i'm preheating the oven   at 180 degrees so i'll put that in fahrenheit 
on the screen okay please excuse the   a la no makeup look i've just got glycolic 
acid in my face that's why it looks a bit   shiny now i have some ground beef here this beef 
is grass-fed i've only got salt but if you want   to make a delicious meatloaf you can add things 
like parmesan you can do garlic onion paprika   anything that you wish and you can even add 
like different things like different cheeses   and they're all carnival-based but because i'm 
only doing beef only i'm just doing beef and   salt so i'm gonna put this into a meatloaf 
container which is like this i'm going to   pop it into the oven and then i'll show you 
what it looks like let's put this in the oven that's going to go in for about 30 minutes   and i'll show you once it's ready this is what the 
meatloaf is looking like after 30 minutes so you   can see there is a little bit of fat around there 
so when i scoop it out you can either have that   fat there or you can just leave it in the pan 
that's totally up to you but it looks delicious   yum so i have one piece here don't you worry 
i'm gonna be having two but i just wanted   to show you a taste test what it looks 
like so again i've just got literally   beef and salt but you can put any spices you can 
put cheese parmesan it's going to be delicious so it is day seven of the beef only challenge 
now let's do a check in with my body weight and   i want to show you how my body is looking after 
seven days to be quite honest i don't expect that   much difference with how my body looks i do feel a 
little bit lighter a little bit tighter like more   sucked in let's go check the scale weight and i'm 
going to show you this body composition guys after   seven days 55.10 so as you can see i have lost 
half a kilo in only seven days now i am a bit   surprised about that actually i am shocked that 
i've lost half a kilo because i've literally been   carnival for the last six seven months so i wasn't 
expecting a lot of half a kilo weight loss in just   seven days so that's a plus but let me show you 
how i'm looking so let me just step back if you   can see i think i'm looking very similar to 
be honest i don't think it's like that much   difference um as i said i just do feel i feel like 
just tighter and i just feel leaner and lighter   so that's really good but the other thing that 
i've noticed just with eating beef salt and water   is that i can think clearly um i can also sleep 
better so those are the benefits i'm getting just   after seven days which is quite good especially 
if you're going just from carnival to beef only   you can definitely have those extra benefits sorry 
about the rain it's raining outside in sydney the   weather in sydney has been terrible it's just 
been raining non-stop for the last few weeks so   if you can hear that i'm sorry now i also wanted 
to let you know that i'm gonna have a blood test   next week for my week two so i'm gonna let you 
guys in to understand my cholesterol levels   everything to do with blood parameters and i'm 
gonna get a cardiologist on in a few weeks time to   go through the blood test and also to go through 
carnivore diet even keto diet and to understand is   that healthy for the long term because as we know 
in terms of long term studies for any diet there   is no high quality long-term analysis of anything 
so doing this it's really about testing your own   blood parameters and understanding if that's 
right for you so that's what i'm going to do   i'm going to be your guinea pig i'm pretty sure 
that it is i had a neurosurgeon dr anthony chaffee   on just last week and look in terms of cholesterol 
in terms of blood markers having an animal based   protocol is the most healthiest thing for you 
it can protect your heart it can protect your   brain and it's overall the best i think the best 
way to live for the long term so that's what i'm   doing for week two so i hope you guys stick around 
i also wanted to give a shout out to butcher crowd   who kindly sponsored this video now butcher crowd 
only sources quality grass-fed and grass-finished   meat and seafood from australian farming families 
and they deliver australia-wide with free shipping   butcher crowd provide ethically and sustainably 
sourced meat and seafood with no antibiotics or   home hormones get 15 off your first order 
with the code 5 minute body 15.

if you   want to join the five minute body lifestyle 
join our patreon membership only starts at   one dollar and it goes to supporting our ancestral 
carnival message so we can help more people   worldwide have their best health and if you're 
not subscribed to the channel well you need to   do something about that you need to see what's 
happening in my week 2 beef only challenge so tap   that subscribe button and i'll see you guys in a 
few days i'm gonna go eat myself some beef see ya.

Drink this before breakfast, burns 1lb a day

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