Healthy Food Recipes - Stop Hypertension with the DASH Diet - Dr Chan discusses the DASH Diet

November 29, 2022

The DASH diet. DASH stands for Dietary Approaches 
to Stop Hypertension. The DASH diet is an eating   plan promoted by the U.S.-based National Heart, 
Lung and Blood Institute. Designed to help treat   or prevent high blood pressure. The DASH diet was 
first introduced at the meeting of the American   Heart Association in 1996 and later published 
in the New England Journal of Medicine in 1997.   Welcome to The Habits Pharmacy where Habits become 

I'm Dr Chan, your host. This is intended   to be a short video to introduce the DASH diet and 
to highlight some of its key features. My goal for   this video is a simple one, and that is to raise 
awareness about the DASH diet and use this as the   first step to activate people to review and 
reconsider their own eating habits to combat   hypertension. The DASH diet is an eating plan with 
a list of recommended foods and a list of foods to   limit. Foods recommended by the DASH diet include 
vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fat-free or   low-fat dairy products, fish, poultry, beans, 
nuts and seeds, vegetable oils. Foods that the   DASH diet recommends to limit include red meats 
and fatty cuts of meats, full dairy products,   sugar-sweetened beverages, sweets and sodium 
intake. The standard DASH diet recommends   limiting sodium intake to 2 300 milligrams a 
day, a lower sodium version of the DASH diet   restricts sodium to 1 500 milligram a day. So 
that's the first feature of the DASH diet, it   is an eating plan with a list of recommended foods 
and a list of foods to limit. The second feature   of the DASH diet is that they suggest specific 
daily and weekly servings of the foods on this   recommended list, which varies based on calories 

You can get serving size recommendation   information of the DASH diet from the National 
Heart, Lung and Blood Institute website,   for example, you can download a PDF document from 
this site for a detailed eating plan with serving   size recommendations based on your daily calories 
intake needs or target. This is an example   of the kind of eating plans you can download from 
the site, it is quite detailed. I recommend you go   download the eating plan and study it for yourself 
and to learn more about the DASH diet. In the last   20 over years since it was first introduced, 
the DASH diet has been extensively studied   and many studies have consistently found the 
DASH diet to be useful in helping to lower   blood pressure. But the DASH diet is not perfect, 
it has its fair share of criticism. For example,   this list of foods that the DASH diet 
recommends to choose more of or to limit,   people who practice specific diets such as 
ketogenic or low carbohydrate diets or vegan   diets or plant-based diets would take issue with 
some specific aspects of the recommendations here.   As I have said earlier, my goal for this short 
video is a simple one and that is to introduce   the key features of the DASH diet.

I am not 
able to go into a detailed review and discussion   of all aspects of the DASH diet, including its 
limitations and challenges. In this short video,   for those who are interested and want to go a 
little deeper, I found this interesting article   from Harvard School of Public Health reviewing 
the DASH diet, I suggest you go read that,   it's a short but useful read. So these are the 
key features of the DASH diet. The DASH diet   whilst shown to be generally good for lowering 
blood pressure, is not without its limitations,   weaknesses and challenges. So if you have access, 
I would strongly recommend that you work closely   with your own doctor or dietitian to help you 
to review your eating habits comprehensively,   so as to help you make changes and improvements 
to your diet holistically and specifically based   on your needs and medical conditions, if 

If you have found this video useful,   suggest that you also watch my other videos 
related to this topic, you can click the links   here, or in the notes below. Let Habits be Thy 
Medicine. I’m Dr Chan. Eat Well and Be Well..

Drink this before breakfast, burns 1lb a day

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