Healthy Food Recipes - Everything Action Bronson Eats For 125-Pound Weight Loss | Eat Like a Celebrity | Men's Health

November 15, 2022

- This is your boy Action Bronson. And now I'm gonna tell
you what I eat every day. I weighted around 375 pounds. Now about, you know, 130 pound loss. It's like, I didn't even have that weight. I was never supposed to have that. (upbeat music) I've been a big boy, my whole life. And it got out of control at some point. My entire career was based
upon living a fast, hard life. And I got myself together
and here we are in December and some 249 pounds of
smoldering with no shredded. And wanna be like Eddie Hall. (groaning) (laughing) (upbeat music) Men, my day starts really early. My day starts around 4:30 in the morning.

Sometimes I have some eggs in the morning and some good protein in me. I like a soft scramble, as long
as it's not brown scrambled, as in nauseating, that's just not what
it's supposed to be done. Every single morning I start
my day off with a shake and I have to make two portions because it's after the workout shake also. Both have protein, both have
fruit, both have Olive oil, both have all mins, Almond milk. All these little tricks, you
know, to work on the brain and the heart to keep everything moving and grooving flowing the right way. You know, we're working
real hard in the gym. You gotta make sure that
we put that back in. So we get the performance we want. Then I hit the gym right after that I get my work in everything I do. I'm making a movement,
I'm squeezing the muscle.

When I lift up my son,
I'm trying to work out and then I have the rest of
the shake after the workout, just to replenish myself. (upbeat music) I get home, I try to eat immediately, egg
whites, five to 10 of them, chicken, lots of broccoli, all organic, gorgeous little Broccoli florets, defrosted in the hot water a little bit, throw it into the hot pan with the olive oil and garlic, beautiful.

And then I make another shake and have that throughout the day. You know, I like to get
roasted nuts and then put them with some honey and some spices,
maybe some Cayenne pepper some Cinnamon, just to
keep things interesting. It's so hard to tell you what I eat because it varies every day varies. So day to day, man, my
mother-in-law might be there. She's making Sopita. You can't say no to
that, but it's healthy. I was raised on soup.

You raise children on bone broth. You know what I mean? It gives them strength and power soup. You're boiling out all this
goodness, all the soul. And you're putting it back into your soul. (upbeat music) Dinner time I like to keep it light. I like to keep it low carb dinner time. I'm usually having grilled chicken, grilled chicken and Broccoli. Try and keep yourself
feeling slim and trim in the morning when you hit that scale, you're nice and light.

When you wake up, you
could see abs almost. I haven't had a good Pasta in months, man. Like, I love Pasta Pizza. The only reason I'm having Pizza its because the dough is fermented. So it's already started digesting for me. It's a healthier dough. I'm not having too much cheeses. The cheese is cut out
the straight up tomatoes. (upbeat music) Now let's talk about dessert. There is no healthy desserts
really, It's just fruit. Growing up with Albanians
in a Albanian family, dessert of choice is watermelon, unless it was a really special day, and you would have Baklava,
is which why, you know they'll call me Baklava, because I'm a special
you have me once a year, and am covered it. It's just hard to have dessert. You become unconscious when
you're eating that stuff can't gauge the size
and what the impact has. Like, the smallest thing
could be the worst thing in the world.

It's just all man , it's so good. I've found lots of raw Cacao and Almond butter
desserts, things like that. So that's really why I
look to natural stuff. Non-processed and just
straight up raw things. It was my birthday the other day and I didn't even touch the cake. I looked at it, I know
what that cake tastes like. I've had that cake almost every year but I have willpower now. I'm try and do good, I'm trying to keep my
best foot forward here. I'm really liking this thing. Listen to the first move is to move. You gotta get up and move that ass. Even if you go in and taking a walk be consistent and you'll
eventually get there.

This is your boy Baklava,
this is how I eat. I love you. (upbeat music).

Drink this before breakfast, burns 1lb a day

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