November 16, 2022

it's gonna be a busy month the boys they're back 
in school they got sports going on baseball and   soccer my husband's coaching so i'm not gonna 
have a lot of time to cook dinner at night   that's why i'm gonna prep up my freezer now 
stock it full with some keto freezer meals   so my intention today is to share with 
you guys my favorite keto freezer meals   that will provide enough keto dinners to last 
pretty much the entire month these meals contain   a wide variety of proteins we're going to be 
using rotisserie chicken where you could use   tread your own chicken if you want ground beef and 
pork tenderloin and they're some of my favorite   ones there's like dump and go there's some that 
you pre-make up ahead of time and then you freeze   so it's just a wide range that you guys can pick 
and choose from but could really make this entire   selection of freezer meals and it should last 
you the entire month but if you want to make   all of these recipes you're going to need three 
rotisserie chickens 10 pounds of ground beef   and two pork tenderloins i'm also going to 
go over the macros for each of these dishes   as well as any meal prep tips that i have so let's 
get started on our first recipe which is keto   baked spaghetti i love this baked spaghetti recipe 
it's so easy to make and so flavorful too this   recipe starts by browning your ground beef into 
a skillet i'm using two pounds of ground beef   add in some seasonings like italian seasoning 
garlic powder you can use fresh garlic if you   want to you can add in onions too if you want 
once your ground beef is cooked i'm adding in   one jar of a low-carb marinara sauce i'll 
have some of my favorites listed down below you want to let it simmer for a little bit just to   allow that sauce to develop its flavor 
and meanwhile let's work on our noodles   now the noodles for this baked spaghetti recipe 
i'm going to be using some hearts of palm noodles   you could use other low-carb noodles too 
if you wanted except i think there's some   that you can buy that are packaged they do have 
gluten in them i'll have them listed down below   i would probably stay away from zucchini noodles 
i'm not quite sure how well that would work how   it freeze but the hearts of palm noodles works 
but we're not just going to throw our noodles   into a casserole dish we're actually going to 
do something different to them to add a little   bit more flavor and to give us a little bit more 
fat macro i'm gonna mix in two eggs and one third   cup of parmesan cheese along with a quarter cup of 
melted butter you wanna mix these into our noodles and then you put them onto the 
bottom of your casserole dish   for this recipe i'm using two smaller dishes these 
are more like an 8 by 12 or 8 by 11 size of a dish   spread the noodles down first and then you're 
gonna layer on your meaty red sauce on top   and then do a final sprinkling of around a 
cup of shredded mozzarella cheese now this   will make two casserole dishes so just only lay 
down half the noodles on one half the noodles on   the other and repeat with half of the sauce and 
half of the mozzarella cheese if you were baking   this right away you bake it in a 350 degree 
oven it'll take around 25-30 minutes to cook   if you want to freeze it just wrap it in 
some foil and freeze it to cook for later   and each casserole i figure 
gives around eight servings   so one serving is 252 calories 18.5 grams of fat 
16.1 grams of protein 4.2 total carbs and 2.8   net carbs you can serve this alongside of a green 
salad and or another keto approved vegetable another recipe using ground beef is 
my keto lasagna recipe i get so many   compliments on this recipe people love it 
it's easy to make and you can freeze it   i've done several videos on this recipe 
before and i have a main one that i'll have   up here if you guys want to check it out i'll 
also have it down below in the description box   but you could double this recipe and it would 
probably give you around four meals out of it   if you do that the cool thing about my keto 
lasagna is that it doesn't involve any sort of   zucchini or cabbage noodle this one you could use 
hearts of palm noodles if you wanted but you don't   have to make like fat head dough noodles which 
are a pain to make it's super simple just take   some deli sliced chicken or turkey and use that as 
your noodle and it really works well because the   texture is very similar and the taste it doesn't 
taste weird at all it's perfect and the macros   are really good so like one lasagna casserole is 
probably going to have around eight servings in   it so that will be per serving it will be 379 
calories 25 grams of fat 34.1 grams of protein   4.7 total carbs and 4.2 net carbs after you make 
up your lasagna you store it in a casserole dish   wrap it with some foil and then pop it in the 
freezer you can bake it from frozen in a 400   degree oven it's generally if it's not frozen it 
takes around 15 minutes to cook cooking it from   frozen is obviously going to take longer takes 
around like 30 45 minutes to bake from frozen a cool keto meal prep idea just arrived 
for you guys let's go check it out i am so excited to try green chef if you guys 
haven't heard of green chef before it is a usda   organic company that makes eating well super 
easy and affordable to fit every single lifestyle   these are chef created recipes that give you 
step-by-step instructions they're easy to prepare   to and they're delicious all these ingredients 
come pre-portioned pre-packed pre-measured   and it's delivered right to your door green 
chef offers nine recipes to choose from   each week within each meal plan so with green 
chef it's easy to eat well and find recipes that   you'll love to cook every week go to green chef 
dot us 90 keto focus and use code 90 keto focus   to get 90 off including free shipping on your 
first box let green chef do the meal planning   the grocery shopping and all the prepping for you 
each week this is such a game changer for me i'm   super excited once again if you guys want to try 
this go to green chef dot us slash 90 keto focus   and use the code 90 keto focus to get 90 off and 
free shipping on your first box my next favorite   keto freezer meal recipe is meatloaf and i have a 
couple of different meatloaf recipes on my website   but the one that like my kids absolutely love 
every single time is the barbecue cheeseburger   meatloaf and i've showed you guys how to make this 
meatloaf before on my channel just click up here   if you want to see the full recipe of how to do 
it but this is such a great meal prep recipe it's   one of those that you could prep in the morning 
too don't bake it and just keep the meatloaf   molded in your refrigerator and then bake it when 
you get home from work but you can freeze these   too so you just put it in this loaf pan cover 
it with foil and freeze it i figured that you   could double this recipe and get four meals out 
of it when i make this meatloaf um i usually it   will last us two meals and you know that's me 
with like my husband and i and two small boys   but yeah we can usually get two meals out 
of it and the macros on this if you got like   six slices which my boys don't really 
eat a full slice of it just because it   is super filling and i usually serve other 
things with it like salads or vegetables   um but if you got like six slices out of this each 
slice will be 675 calories see super super filling   52.3 grams of fat 49.2 grams of protein the 
total carbs is 4 grams and the net carbs is 3.5   i would suggest doubling this recipe if you 
want to make enough to last the entire month another recipe that i have that uses ground beef 
is my keto sloppy joe's recipe i've also done a   video on this i click up here if you guys want 
to watch that one i love these sloppy joes just   because you can make them up in the skillet and 
then store them in a ziploc bag and pop them in   the freezer to have for later or you can save some 
and have it for that night for your rules you can   either use my keto roll recipe i'll have that 
linked down below i also have a keto hamburger   bun recipe that you could use for your keto sloppy 
joes too both my roll recipe and my keto hamburger   bun recipes are actually freezer-able too so 
you can freeze the dough before it's baked   or you can freeze it after you bake your rolls 
or hamburger buns pop them in the freezer and   then to defrost them i usually just leave them 
out at room temperature until they're defrosted   or pop in the microwave on a defrost function 
and it will thaw them out that way too if you   want to make ketosloppy joes as a freezer meal 
i would probably double this recipe and it will   give you two meals out of it for a family of four 
so i figure one batch of sloppy joes just as my   recipes written on the link that i'll have down 
in the description box it's probably going to get   you four servings so each serving will have 380 
calories 29.6 grams of fat 20.6 grams of protein   6.4 grams of total carb and 4.7 net carbs so that 
completes our recipes using ground beef now let's   make something using that pork tenderloin this 
is actually a dump and go recipe we're gonna be   making an asian marinated pork tenderloin 
this recipe i like to actually make up in   the slow cooker and that's why it's a dump and go 
we're going to be dumping all of our ingredients   in a freezer bag then freeze it and when you want 
to cook it just open up that bag and pop it in   your slow cooker i recommend doubling this recipe 
if you want to fill up your freezer for the month   but basically to our ziploc bag we're going to be 
adding in one pork tenderloin along with a third   cup of liquid aminos a quarter cup of olive oil a 
quarter cup of golden monk fruit two tablespoons   of worcestershire sauce two tablespoons of 
sesame oil two tablespoons of lemon juice   a tablespoon of dry mustard a teaspoon of minced 
garlic one and a half teaspoons of black pepper   and one and a half teaspoons of red pepper flakes 
zip up your bag and then pop it in the freezer and if you guys are interested in these nifty 
freezer bag holders i'll have it listed down below   in the description box for you on where i got them 
so the macros for the pork tenderloin if each pork   tenderloin makes around six servings it would 
be 287 calories per serving 16.9 grams of fat   32.4 grams of protein 2.7 total carbs and 2.6 
net carbs i usually like to serve this over   riced cauliflower but you could use another 
vegetable too if you wanted which is habit by   itself up next let's make something with that 
rotisserie chicken that i told you guys to buy   we're actually going to be making a curry sauce 
this is a thai curry sauce it's a little bit   higher on the carb side but it is so delicious and 
salsas are a great thing to meal prep and most of   them you can put in the freezer so if you just 
want to like make meal prep super simple make up   a bunch of sauces and freeze them and then you 
can take it out and just add a ton of flavor   to your dishes just mixing up the proteins maybe 
some of the vegetables that you go inside of it   to start we're going to add one can of unsweetened 
coconut milk to a saucepan you want to cook this   boil it up and continue to reduce it until it's 
a thicker consistency it'll probably take you   around five to seven minutes at this point we're 
going to add in some red curry paste you could use   green curry paste too if you wanted you'll need 
around two to three tablespoons of curry paste   stir that until it's blended and then we're gonna 
add in another can of unsweetened coconut milk   again bringing it to a boil and letting it cook 
down cook it for another eight to ten minutes   it just needs to be a real thick sauce like 
consistency at this point i'm going to add in   my vegetables which is one cup of diced zucchini 
and a half of a red bell pepper that i've cut into   like julienned matchstick pieces you can omit the 
vegetables if you don't want to add them in you   could also add in your chicken at this point too 
i'm actually just gonna freeze this sauce without   adding in the chicken but this is a great way 
to use rotisserie chicken for a quick meal just   shred off some chicken from your rotisserie and 
add it to your curry and then you can freeze it   i like to top this over cauliflower rice you could 
use zoodles if you wanted to or noodles if you had   the hearts of palm noodles left over you could 
use that i figured this sauce makes around it's   probably around four to six servings so if you 
are making this for freezer meals i would probably   double the recipe if you wanted but for one 
serving it's 218 calories 20.1 grams of fat 1.8   grams of protein total carbs is 6.2 and net carbs 
is a 5.2 once again when you go to freeze it just   put it in a ziploc baggie store it flat in your 
freezer should keep for like one to three months another recipe you can make out of rotisserie 
chicken is just a dump and go chicken noodle   soup recipe so i'm going to add in some of the 
cooked pre-shredded chicken i'm also going to add   in some onion celery a little bit of carrots into 
a freezer safe bag pour in some chicken broth you   can add in your flavoring too if you want the only 
thing i'm not going to add is actually my noodles   now if you were making more of a chicken rice 
soup you could add in some cauliflower rice at   this point put in the freezer bag freeze it until 
you want to use it then dump it out into your   saucepan and cook it for dinner that night now for 
the noodles i do have a recipe for keto chicken   noodle soup on my website i'll have it linked 
down below we do make some homemade egg noodles   that are really easy to make so you could 
whip those up while your soup is cooking   on the stovetop it won't take you very long to 
cook these noodles probably around 15 minutes   i would probably double this recipe if i'm making 
enough food to fill my freezer for the month   the recipe on my website makes around 
four servings so with each serving it is   282 calories 11.3 grams of fat 22.5 grams of 
protein 6.8 grams of total carbs and 3.2 net carbs   the last freezer keto meal that we're gonna make 
using the rotisserie chicken is my creamy tuscan   chicken casserole this is one recipe i recommend 
just cooking up in its entirety to a finished dish   and then freezing it freezes well the full recipe 
on my website does involve cooking chicken from   raw but we're using a rotisserie chicken instead 
just to save on time so you're going to need   around a couple cups of shredded chicken to make 
this recipe in a skillet we're gonna add some   onion a little bit of garlic cook that up until 
the onion is softened and then add in your chicken   i'm also gonna add in some salt and then 
some lemon peppers for some flavoring   next we stir in some chicken broth 
heavy cream and grated parmesan cheese   and then we're going to add in some sun-dried 
tomatoes this is optional you really don't have   to use it if you don't want to since sun dried 
tomatoes do have carbs and sometimes they're   harder to find in depending on your grocery store 
but they do add a lot of flavor to this dish i also add in spinach leaves into 
the recipe that's on my website   i'm actually not going to do that 
since i'm going to be freezing it   i'm just going to add cauliflower rice and then 
add in my spinach leaves right before i cook it   this recipe if you make it as it is on my website 
it makes around four servings each serving has   a 312 calories 21.8 grams of fat 21.2 grams 
of protein 7.3 total carbs and 6.1 net carbs that completes all of our freezer keto meals 
these are all of my favs that are super easy   to prop up ahead of time to make meal prep 
easy if you want to do this all in one day   and have around a month's worth of meals 
for you ready to go when you need it   once again thank you green chef for 
sponsoring this video make sure you   check them out i'll have again that promo code 
in the bottom in the description box for you

Info: Post images on Social media for $200 per day

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