Healthy Food Recipes - 2 ingredient keto noodles from scratch/Keto pasta/ Carbalose low carb

November 29, 2022

Do you have a craving for pasta   and zucchini noodles are just not cutting 
it? Stay tuned I've got the recipe for you Got a question for you. What is one of the things 
that you miss on keto? For me it's a couple of   things it was my grandmother's hard dumplings 
and pasta. Well, I've already fixed the dumpling   situation which will be a video later on, but 
I've just recently fixed the pasta situation.   And everybody always tells you oh go for the 
zucchini noodles or the spaghetti squash or   whatever substitutions they have, and while 
those are good as dishes on their own, when   you're really craving the pasta those don't work. I
mean it doesn't satisfy that need. Well I recently   found a recipe that mimicked pasta. now let me 
backtrack. You can go online and there's a lot   of different things that you can do for pasta and 
one of the closest ones that I found was actually   a baked egg noodle you had to put in the 
oven and put it out on a sheet you know and   and but it didn't really perform like pasta. 
And that's what I wanted.

I wanted something   that I could put in dishes and make macaroni 
and cheese or chicken spaghetti or lasagna   and I couldn't find anything. Well I found a recipe 
online on reddit and the lady gave ingredients on   how to do it and she said that it acted like 
pasta. It dried like pasta, It cooked like pasta,   and I thought okay, but my brain started 
thinking and i was she was using lupin flour and some other stuff to do it. Now my mind 
started thinking "what if i used Carbalose flour?"   Now this is something that's new to me, I've just 
started using it and I'll tell you right off I am   in love with it that I'm just...

I'm using it for a 
few things, not everything but a few things because   it mimics flour. Now I'm a proponent you do your 
own research okay because it is not for everybody. Be your own judge. Now if you're doing this for 
strict keto, yeah this is probably not the flour   for you because it is a wheat derivative 
and it does have a vital wheat gluten in it.  So like and if you're wheat intolerant 
gluten intolerant I'm sorry this is   not this is not going to work for you.

if you're just doing keto low carb for   lowering your carbs and you're not worried about 
the wheat or you're not worried about the gluten   then you're gonna love this. Okay so i tried that 
recipe and I actually tried five different recipes,   and the one that come number one, it dries 
like pasta - so you can make a batch and you can   actually dry it and store it in your pantry for 
months on end. Yeah like real store-bought pasta.   It cooks like pasta. You put it in boiling 
water and you if you're doing it fresh you   cook it for about a minute or two.

If you drying 
it you need it about 10 to 12 minutes to boil it .  It holds up to sauces. It's got a really good taste. 
My recipe, you would be hard to hard pressed to distinguish this from real 
pasta and you're going to be   so amazed at how easy this is. Okay so let's dig in okay first ingredient you're going to need 
is Carbalose flour and when I bought it, and   i will put a link down below for it it, comes in a 
three pound bag. I don't know if you can see this   and the net carbs on this is 
i've lost it it was really low um but anyway if you're unfamiliar 
if you're unfamiliar with what   Carbalose flour is it is actually the main ingredient in carb quick.

difference between this and carb quick   is the difference between flour and bisquick 
carb quake has the extra stuff to make it   more uh suitable for biscuits and stuff 
you don't have to add the leavening   or the buttermilk and all that um because it 
has it in there. Okay so what you need   is for one batch one batch this 
makes four um servings okay   you can make it where it's uh three servings 
whatever you you size it up but i've got this   uh figured out as four servings to a little over 
three carbs three net carbs per serving for   for four serving batch okay what you 
need is 80 grams of carbalous flour i'm a little over yeah that work and you need one large egg put this in here don't lose 
out all your good flour and try to get these eggs at room 
temperature mine are not quite there you can add a pinch of salt if you want um i don't   or i didn't last time it probably won't be 
this time and you just start stirring it in now if you find that your egg is not enough 
for the batter for the dough no problem you want to add a little water 
to it not much just a little a little at a time until you get 
the consistency that you need okay this is what you're looking for okay can you see it it's not sticky but it's not dry you can mold it okay now after you've worked with it a 
little bit it doesn't take much   get it to where you want it here comes the hard 
part you need to let it rest for about 20 to 30   minutes okay and then we'll come back   so i've 
got a question for you how many of you guys  have been on keto for a while and you find 
that there's something that you really miss   and no matter what the substitutions they tell 
you to try it just doesn't satisfy the craving   what is the dish for you that you missed the most 
comment down below i'm curious i want to know   like i said for me it was my grandmother's hard 
dumplings and pasta don't want it all the time   it's not something that i want every day but there 
are times that you just have a craving for it   and it's not all you keto it's just like nope 
sorry and i'm telling you zoodles zoodles zucchini   noodles now don't get me wrong i love me some good 
spaghetti squash but no it just doesn't have that   satisfaction so but really comment down below 
let me know what it is that you miss the most   okay and i will be right back okay so it's been 
about 30 minutes now actually this dough is a soft   dough uh it's a lot softer than the other recipes 
that i started so if for some reason you can't   wait for the 30 minutes i don't think it's going 
to make that much of a difference but just in case let it rest so now what we're going to do is take 
some more of that Carbalose flour and you want to   dust your board because while 
it's not sticky it is still wet okay and you want to start working this 
and i probably didn't have to dust that much put this to the side now you 
want your rolling pin for this go ahead and dust it too whoops you don't have to roll it out much because we're 
actually going to roll it in here   but what i do like to do let's see okay i'm gonna all right let's try this again 
okay so what i like to do   is since this is four servings is 
to go ahead see it's real tender and portion it out into four pieces and you can be more 
precise with this if you need to and i know you're thinking 
that's not much pasta but we're going to roll it out in here 
and you'll actually see that they get   a lot more than what it looks like 
okay so we're back now i had to get my see if i could do this yeah just barely okay you want to make sure that you've got enough flour on your pasta because you don't want it sticking in the machine and then we're just going to start rolling 
it hang on make sure that you got it on   the largest setting for me that happens to 
be one your pasta machine may be different okay okay and then go down a setting and roll it again and if you're smart you will actually 
anchor your pasta machine to your board go down a setting let's see now you don't 
absolutely have to have a pasta machine to do this   you can definitely roll this out by hand go down a setting see the more you roll it 
out the thinner it gets in the more pasta you actually end up with (laughter) and i think that would be 
as far as i would go in this now from here you cut it in shapes now my pasta 
machine is a cheap one i've tried using these   other shapes and yeah i end up still having 
to pull it apart but for noodles look just cut and you can actually look up videos and you 
can make different shapes from this pasta you can dry it now if you want to use it fresh   just simply take this put it in a pot of 
boiling water for about a minute or two and then you've got your pasta you can then you 
can add pasta sauce to it if you want um if you   want to dry it just you they've got drying racks 
you can use or you can just put this on like a   uh what i do it's a like a you know when you 
take your cookies out of the oven and you   cooling rack that's what 
i'm trying to come up with put them on the cooling rack overnight and 
you've got pasta anyway that's enough for a little sauce on it and 
there you go you've got pasta   so let me get up some boiling water and i'll show 
you what it looks like when it's done but look   see if you can see that it looks like fresh pasta   it tastes like fresh pasta it dries like 
fresh pasta it stores like real pasta that's real pasta ladies and gentlemen now whatever recipe that calls for 
pasta that you want you can make it so i'll come back and i'll show you 
what it looks like when it's cooked so to cook your pasta you just put it in 
boiling water for about a minute or two and you check it like you would regular pasta   and when it's done just take 
it out add your favorite sauce you can put it in a dish   put sauce over it whatever you would do 
regular pasta you can do it with this yeah come on out here and there you go real noodles holds up to real sauce shelf 
stable anytime you want pasta   come back next week and I'll show you a 
recipe that uses this pasta that you're   absolutely going to love so make sure that 
you subscribe hit the like share if you know   somebody who would absolutely love this and i'll 
see you next week bye do you have a craving for   don't look at me that way don't look at me like 
i'm crazy and just talking to myself okay hello hello hello hello okay

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