Healthy Food Recipes - Mediterranean Diet - Dr Chan describes 7 Eating Habits of the Mediterranean Diet.

April 29, 2022

Seeven Habits of the Mediterranean diet is the topic of this video. The Mediterranean diet,  a dietary pattern that is widely accepted by most medical and scientific communities around the  world to be a health promoting eating pattern. The Mediterranean diet is also one of the most  extensively studied diets, especially for its potential to prevent and combat cardiovascular  disease and other chronic diseases. Welcome to The Habits Pharmacy podcast  where Habits become Medicine.

But before I start,  I think it is important to highlight that the Mediterranean diet is a description of a food  culture, a pattern of eating describing the foods that are eaten most frequently and  regularly and what foods are eaten occasionally or rarely. Unlike many other popular diets,  it does not strictly exclude any food groups, it does not have a list of foods that one must  avoid or cannot eat.

There are many ways to describe and define the Mediterranean diet,  for this video, my goal is to make it simple and actionable, focusing on 7 eating habits  characteristic of the Mediterranean diet.

So let's go, number one, the Mediterranean diet  is a very plant strong diet where there are lots of vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts. seeds  every day at almost every meal.

Number two, the Mediterranean diet has fish as the preferred  animal protein choice.

Number three, the Mediterranean diet is a habit of choosing  white meat over red meat and red meats are eaten very infrequently if at all.

Number four,  dairy products such as cheese and yogurt are taken in moderation and occasionally, not at every meal.  

Number five, olive oil is the preferred oil used in dressings and foods.

Number six,  the Mediterranean diet uses lots of natural herbs and spices in foods as seasonings.

Mediterranean <a href=Diet - Dr Chan describes 7 Eating Habits of the Mediterranean Diet." src="">

Number seven,  Mediterranean diet is centered on whole foods, minimally processed foods.

So these are the seven  key dietary habits characteristic of the Mediterranean diet, I shall leave this slide  on for a bit for you to go through these seven habits one by one again to see which of these  seven habits of the Mediterranean diet describes your own diet too. So how many of these seven  habits do you practice? If you get one point for each of these seven eating habits describing  the Mediterranean diet how many points did you get? Would you be so kind and do me a favor?  Could you type in the comments below how many of these seven habits you currently practice.

How  many points out of seven did you get?For example if you practice three out of these seven habits,  simply type in 3 in the comments below. I'm curious to know how much of the Mediterranean  dietary patterns do most people practice. So type in your Mediterranean diet score below in  the comments. My goal for this video is simply to describe in terms of the dietary patterns  eating habits characteristic of the Mediterranean diet, one of the most studied dietary patterns for  its potential in promoting health especially heart health.

I shall not be going into the details of  the findings of the various scientific research done on the Mediterranean diet,  not in this video at least but i shall leave a link below to my blog post where i have collated  related articles and studies on the Mediterranean diet and its health promoting potential  for those of you who want to dive deeper into this topic. Let Habits be Thy Medicine in preventing  and combating lifestyle-related chronic diseases. I'm Dr Chan. Eat Well and Be Well. Take Care.

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