Healthy Food Recipes - How To Make Pegan Chai Pancakes | Paleo Vegan Recipe From Dr. Mark Hyman

April 29, 2022

Chai pancakes. Hey everybody. It's Dr. Mark Hyman. And I'm here to tell you about my new book, The Pegan Diet.

And today we're going to make the most amazing recipe from the book, which is my chai pancakes. Yes, you get pancakes. Now, what is the pegan diet? Well, it's sort of a joke because paleo and vegan seem so different.

How To Make Pegan Chai Pancakes | Paleo Vegan Recipe From Dr. Mark Hyman

But they're almost identical, except for one thing, where you get your protein.

Otherwise they're same. Whole foods, lots of fruits and veggies, lots of nuts and seeds, good fats. Lose weight automatically. So let's get right into it and yes, you can have pancakes. But the whole idea here is that the ingredients matter quality matters.

And you have to eat in a way to upgrade your biological software. So what we've got here is the topping for the end which is guava. Now you can use fig, you can use any fruit. Guava is really pushed. It's full of vitamin C.

Pecans full of phytochemicals, fiber, minerals. We have special buckwheat flour. Now, it's gluten-free and it's delicious. And then of course we have almond flour and a little bit more protein in there. A little more fat.

You have a mixture of spices. We have cloves, we have nutmeg.

We have cinnamon, we have cardamom. And we have ginger and eggs and we have coconut oil and we have almond oil and a little bit of a vanilla. And all of these have really powerful medicinal properties.

So here's a bucket flour, almond flour and all these spices right here and just dump those in. Stir them all up, and stick them all together. Bring it all together, really nicely. (gentle music) Almond flour and almond oil milk, and a little bit of vanilla. One, two, and that is it.

And you just mix that up, like this. Mix them all in, blend them in. And we have know all this incredible yummy stuff. A little pecan thrown in and folded in. Now throw those in.

(bowl clinks) Now we're (indistinct) This is the batter. It's beautiful. It's delicious. It's full of phytochemicals, antioxidants. Yummy.

It's actually got no grains in it.

How To Make Pegan Chai Pancakes | Paleo Vegan Recipe From Dr. Mark Hyman

It's got no sugar in. It just has good, yummy stuff. (upbeat music) So now we're ready to start cooking the pancakes. I take a little quarter cup measuring cup and I spoon a little pancake mix into the pot, like this.

(upbeat music) So you see a little bubble on the top, then it's ready to turn over. Ready to flip, really nicely, thank you. That's all there is to it. And you can enjoy delicious, yummy food without actually having any guilt. So I hope you love these pancakes.

These are my favorite. My chai buckwheat pancakes. And we'll see you next time. Again. Thank you so much to Dr.

Mark Hyman. I have to say thank you for all of the work and study and care that went into this. And it was quite an interesting read for this family.

And thank you for making pancakes. Hello.

There are more great recipes in this work The Pegan Diet, and of course it's available now. (gentle music).
at home, breakfast, brunch, dairy-free, healthy recipes, paleo, pancakes, vegan

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