How to Make Money $200.00 in 20 Minute By SIMPLE TYPING

March 16, 2022

Do you have 2 minutes to spare? That's all it takes for us to start earning money online by typing super simple words. It will operate on your phone, computer, or any other device as long as you have access to the internet. 

Now, the more words you type, the more money you make, so if you type for

5 minutes, you make $50, 

10 minutes, $100, 

20 minutes, $200, and 

60 minutes, you make $600

which is insane, and I think you're smart enough to realize that if you have too much spare time in your day right now, you can get started right away. As you can see, I'm going to show you how to type super simple words like these to earn an extra $100 to $500 per day.

I'll show you all the steps and details on this article. I've also prepared a few surprises and special bonus tips for you somewhere in this article so you can earn double money so make sure to watch this article until the end to know this secret method. The first website that we will use today is

Now, before we go on to his website, there are a few things I want to show you right here on this article.

First, when you go to his website, scroll down to the very bottom of this page and you'll see something like this "earn while you learn: join our team as a research analyst.

" I want you to click on the "Apply Here" button. 

Okay, click on this button and you'll be taken to this page.

"Earn money using your mind,"

"Work when you want," and

"expand your resume and your mind," as shown here.

Now, this website pays you for typing on the internet, and I'll show you how to do it on your phone or computer.

First, you must fill out these very simple applications. All you have to do is put your name, email, and password, and as you can see here, you can put whatever country you're from because they accept people from all over the world, and then just pick up on these and then click on "Start application."

So, once you've completed your application, they'll send you an activation email with the subject "Activate your Wonder account." Make sure to click on this blue button to activate your account and then click on the link to verify your login.

Once you've done your registration, go to these pages and click "welcome to Wonder Sandy," and I'll be able to start completing different typing jobs, typing projects, and research projects and start making money right away.

Okay, don't worry, this is really beginner friendly, and anyone can do it for free, so before I show you how to start typing and making money online, I'd like to show you these four stages so you understand precisely how it works. "You can visit the research dashboard when you are ready to start working," says the first step on this website. This is your research dashboard. you can locate different projects, different things that you can perform and start working on them so you can start receiving a payment.

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The second step entails them assigning you a request to work on. Now, as you come across different projects, you may join them and begin working on them. 

Step three entails locating the answers and sources, as well as synthesizing the information. Basically, you'll have to type anything and then you'll be able to earn money.

Step four, "submit your work and celebrate," is when you'll be able to receive your earnings.

Right now, In research dashboard, which means I can find these different projects where I can do some research and start typing and making money, and the reason why this is so powerful 

right now is that you don't need any experience or do any research because all you have to do is use a special Google trick that I'm going to show you right now. But first, I'd like to give you an example. 

For example, if I click on "marketing" and then "market size," okay, and then I click on this button right here, they'll find you a lot of different jobs to do, such as 123456 right there, which is six different projects in just one category. Now, a lot of people, when they get these jobs and these projects like "What were the most expensive TV shows made in history?" are going to find it really difficult to type the answers to these questions, so what I want you to do right now is go to Google.

com, alright

You can do this on your phone to obtain tasks or on the computer, it doesn't matter right, now let's return to this project and highlight everything okay simply highlight and then duplicate this one. Copy and paste everything into the box "What is the most expensive TV series made in history?" We'll probably paste the complete query on Google and then press the search button.

When you press the search button, you'll see a number of different search results, as you can see above, with a lot of different responses that we can easily type into a Google doc. So this is our project, "Most expensive TV show produced," in which we must provide a top ten list of TV series, after which they will pay us the money.

Now it's much easier since, if you're using Google to discover the answers for us, all we'll need is a top 10 list of the most expensive TV shows.

These are the solutions, for example, as you can see here. Number one, E.R. After that, they give some explanations before moving on to number two, Friends. Then comes number three.

All they do is list all of the most basic points in a bullet form, and as you can see, the top 1 through 10 are shown here. Okay, this is the answer they're looking for, so we're going to go back to Google and search for "what were the most expensive TV shows in history?" This is the first website that comes up, "most expensive TV shows," and we're just going to click on this link right here, and then we'll go to this website, "ten of the most expensive TV shows ever made," as you can see here.

Now that we've scrolled down to the bottom, we'll find the exact answers. As you can see, these are the ranked TV shows.

You don't even have to answer them correctly since all you have to do is go to Google and write the question, and then we'll get straight to work. So what I want you to do is copy them, as you can see here, and I'm going to highlight everything from the top to the bottom. Let's do it right now, okay? so we're going to start from number one and go all the way to number ten, and then I'm just going to copy these, click copy, and I'm good to go back to here and paste everything right there as you can see here, all the way from number one to number ten, including images.

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You didn't type it out yourself, and you don't have to really answer the question, but you do need the appropriate method, which is to conduct research using Google, and then copy and paste the answer into the box as if you were entering it.

Okay, but for certain clients, finding the direct answer on the first webpage is not so simple. So, right now, I'm going to show you a second example that is much more challenging, which I want to show you before you go ahead and do it yourself. As you can see, this is the second question. Okay, now that I've finished the first, I can easily earn $50 to a few hundred dollars just by doing them. 

We'll do the same thing for the second question, which is "What are the fastest expanding cities in the United States?

" as you can see above. We'll highlight the question for them, and they'll copy and paste the complete query into Google, as you can see here: "What are the fastest expanding cities in the United States? and what's driving the growth?" Okay, I'm going to do the exact same method, then press search, so right now I'm going to see a few sites, but the question is a little bit more difficult, meaning I might not see the exact answer on the first website as you can see here, I easily find answer for the first question on the first website which is very good because it's free we make money by simply copying and pasting without actually typing anything right so this is the power of this method.

And that's it.

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