Easiest Way to Prepare Perfect Healthy Dinner Snacks

April 23, 2021

Healthy Dinner Snacks.

Healthy Dinner Snacks You can cook Healthy Dinner Snacks using 10 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Healthy Dinner Snacks

  1. You need 1 cup of Flour.
  2. You need 1/4 tsp of Tumeric powder.
  3. Prepare tsp of Ginger powder1/4.
  4. You need tsp of Garlic powder1/4.
  5. It's Pinch of salt.
  6. You need tsp of Nutmeg1/4.
  7. You need of Water.
  8. You need 1 tsp of Butter.
  9. Prepare tsp of Baking powder1/4.
  10. Prepare of Egg.

Healthy Dinner Snacks step by step

  1. Sieve flour add baking powder, ginger powder, tumeric powder, garlic powder, pinch of salt, butter add egg,mix everything together add little water to form thick Dough.
  2. Place the dough on the working table. Cut it into small sizes, pick each small size,knead and use the rolling pin to flatten it..
  3. Place your pot on medium. Pour some oil and allow it to heat for some minutes. Then fry your dough. Tadaaaa your healthy dinner snacks is ready. You can have it with ZOBO drink or water or your desire drinks.
  4. .
  5. .

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