How to Cook Tasty healthy school lunches

August 13, 2020

healthy school lunches.

healthy school lunches You can have healthy school lunches using 9 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of healthy school lunches

  1. It's of lettuce.
  2. Prepare of tomatoes.
  3. Prepare of turkey.
  4. It's of cream cheese.
  5. You need of pretzels.
  6. It's of apples with carmel.
  7. You need of favorite trail mix.
  8. It's of drink.
  9. It's of tortilla.

healthy school lunches instructions

  1. take your tortilla and put cream cheese around the edges to act like glue then put your turkey lettuce and your tomatoes or any other vegetables that you would like.
  2. then take some zip lock baggies and as your pretzels your trail mix and your apples if they are not already ready.
  3. and now you are finished and trust me your child with both of us just want and for future reference to start a lunch always start with an entree and then a fruit a snack and then a desert and drink.

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