How to Prepare Appetizing Chicken paratha

July 06, 2020

Chicken paratha. In a smaller pan over medium heat, place on a paratha. Spoon on some of the chicken mix and place another paratha on. Chicken Paratha Roll is a full meal that comprise of all the nutritional value and delicious taste.

Chicken paratha Paratha is a type of flatbread that's originally from India. Chicken Paratha roll - Did you ever make Chicken Paratha Roll at home for iftar? If not then don't hesitate and try it now. You can cook Chicken paratha using 13 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Chicken paratha

  1. It's half kg of Chicken qeema.
  2. Prepare 2 small size of Green onion.
  3. It's 3 table spoon of Hara dhnya.
  4. You need 1 table spoon of Salt.
  5. You need 1 table spoon of Soya sauce.
  6. Prepare 1 table spoon of Garlic paste.
  7. Prepare 1 table spoon of Ginger paste.
  8. Prepare 3 of Sbaz mirch bareek Kati hvi.
  9. You need Half of cup cocking oil.
  10. Prepare of Desi ghee half cup for pratha.
  11. Prepare 1 table spoon of Crushed chilli.
  12. You need half table spoon of Red chilli.
  13. You need half table spoon of Haldi powder.

It is very easy to make, cook chicken and fill along with salad in paratha. This chicken paratha is very filling and delicious. The stuffing here is comparatively heavy as it has a mix of chicken and egg in it. Chicken flavored with aromatic spices inside a steaming hot paratha.

Chicken paratha instructions

  1. First fry ginger and garlic paste in oil ' inko brown Kar laien..
  2. Then add green onion and sbaz mirch salt, red chilli, crushed chills,soya sauce and haldi powder.
  3. Inko achy sy fry karo 2 sy 3 mint then add chicken qeema.
  4. Cook 6 to 7 mints add Hara dhnya isko thanda hony dien.
  5. Last main prathy bany sath main chicken msala bhr dien.
  6. Dasi ghee sy grma grm prathy tyar krien.

You can actually amaze yourself by cooking deliciously perfect Chicken Paratha if you follow this step by step instructions. This Ceylon chicken paratha originating from the former island nation of Ceylon which is in the territory of Sri Lanka. A paratha is a type of flatbread native to India but prevalent throughout. Chicken Cheese Paratha Recipe in Urdu & English available at How to make Chicken Paratha Roll Recipe.

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